maporsche wrote:
Oh, I've owned guns for years. This is my 5th, my 1st assult rifle, but my 5th gun. I'm no closer to being conservative than I was 8 years ago when I bought my first gun. Actually ever since religion has taken over the republican party, I've been nothing but disgusted with them.
At least 40% of the reason I bought THIS gun was my distrust in our government. And let me tell you, I know at least 3 other liberal democrats that have bought guns for the same reasons.
The old monikers no longer apply.
Sounds like you're more of a libertarian than a democrat.
As I see it, the main threats to what remains of freedom or liberty or anything like that in America come from democrats and entrenched beurocrats and beaurocracies and, to the extent that any such threats arise from republicans, they arise from rinos who have become part of a sort of a one-party system which they'd like to create or be part of.
The ONLY threat to liberty which arises from Christians in America is the right2life(TM) thing which, worst possible case, would amount to Roe/Wade being overturned, the issue being determined at state levels, and some woman in South Dakota who had to make more than one trip to NY for abortions having to decide that she might be better off living in NY and not go back that last time.
Generally, I have about four or five meaningful issues with republicans, conservatives, and Christians, while pretty much everything democrats ever try to do is some sort of an issue.
Democrats have not given up on the anti-gun thing; the existance of the kind of power they aspire to requires unarmed populaces. They have merely determined that for the time being, the issue is doing them more harm than good and they've shut up about it temporarily.