parados wrote:millions of dead Koreans?
Wow.. Are you back to this canard again?
Please present some factual evidence that millions of Koreans have died in the last 12 years, let alone they died as a result of any action by Clinton.
You must think it's fun to use words like canard, while failing to research the FACTS. A simple Google search would suffice.
Two million dead in just 3 years of the 12 you've allotted.
It is common knowledge that North Korea is among the biggest recipients of AidÂ… and also that Kim sells same on the black market for gun money... rather than feed the starving masses. If he simply spent his country's gun money on food, North Korea would require no aid, hence, 2 million + people wouldn't have starved to death. In an absolute Autocracy, one man can and must be held responsible for his own decisions. His name is Kim Jong Il. There is no place to pass the buck.
Clinton's heightened responsibility stems from the fact that he let Carter broker a deal that ultimately allowed Kim to maintain his murderous rein unchecked, even while some of his own advisors advised against it. The Agreed Framework folly afforded Kim a free pass to do whatever he pleased within his borders, absent any concerns of an American response.
If I walk past a rape in progress, and do nothing to stop it, I would be responsible in the same way Clinton is. See
The Accused for a better understanding.
parados wrote:I lowered it? WTF? Tico used the word "dumbass".
And despite the fact that meaningful discussion had resumed; you couldn't resist polluting the conversation with petty bickering. Here is the offending post in it's entirety:
parados wrote:You mean the civil discourse like this OB?
Ticomaya wrote:Clinton was more responsible for North Korea developing nuclear weapons, and only a dumbass would argue otherwise.
Other than to incite further bickering; what possible motivation could you have had with this post. Clearly, there was no value to the discussion and a cursory review shows you succeeded. Well done.
Setanta wrote: O'Bill's "evidence" about Clinton's military intentions is not conclusive.
Not conclusive, no. But plenty compelling. Conclusive would be a near impossible thing to prove of intentions that ultimately weren't carried out.
Setanta wrote:The evidence O'Bill presents, coupled with the fact that Clinton did not take military action against the North strongly suggests to me that expert military opinion, as he consulted it, convinced him of the "un-wisdom" of such an attack.
If a man holding a gun threatened to blow your head off, though eventually did not, it would be foolhardy to interpret that to mean he had no
intention of doing so in the first place... simply because he didn't and/or because there would be grave consequences if he did. While Clinton's intentions cannot be known beyond a reasonable doubt, the preponderance of the evidence suggests he was prepared for action.
Setanta wrote: O'Bill's faith in our military's prowess and the efficacy of a "surgical" strike is touching, and unrealisitic.
If you doubt the United States Military could hit the Yongbyon reactor and storage facilities while hitting little else, you apparently haven't seen the video's of smart bombs and guided missiles in action. The U.S. Military doesn't fire Scud's and cross their fingers that they'll hit something worthwhile.