JLNobody wrote:
Quote:Where we have knowledge we do not need to posit faith.
I think this is the most succinct explanation I've ever read for how I feel spiritually, within myself- though I've never been able to express it so clearly myself.
Do you also agree that knowledge (of the fact there is a god, or of the fact that there is not a god) is or can be unique to each individual- and that differing conclusions are not necessarily contradictive?
Because I hate to say it, but I think that one can't
learn to either "know" that there either is a god, or "know" that there isn't a god. It's something you either know or don't know. I think looking for evidence that there is a god, if you don't believe there is, will be fruitless- just as trying to convince yourself there isn't a god, if that's what you truly know to be true for yourself, will be fruitless.
You will always look either for what you want or believe to be true, or see things through the particular prism that your own individual life experiences (knowledge) has created for you.