real life wrote:rosborne979 wrote:Pauligirl wrote:I don't think you get brownie points for quoting creationists saying evolution didn't happen.
Ha, too funny

A great circular argument.
'Anyone who agrees with you is disqualified as a source because they agree with you.'
If someone is a PhD in their field and come to recognize the weaknesses in the evolutionary arguments, suddenly they are no longer qualified to address the subject, eh?
You're gonna have to do better than that.
No, rl, if you're to make any headway for your proposition, you're going to have to do much, much better than persist in such transparent straw man argument as your apparent one-trick-pony performance heretofore so amply has illustrated. The argument presented is not, as you dishonestly allege, "'
Anyone who agrees with you is disqualified as a source because they agree with you ... If someone is a PhD in their field and come to recognize the weaknesses in the evolutionary arguments, suddenly they are no longer qualified to address the subject", it is that, all other considerations aside, the inherently invalid practice of quote mining, however employed, is dishonest.
Quote:Why don't you address why you think their specific statement is erroneous instead of using a circular argument?
Straw man; apart from the fact specific exposure and refutation of error in many instances throughout this discussion explicitly has been provided, the specious, absurd presentations and defenses of the Creationist/ID-iot proposition stand unambiguously, conclusively, decisively unmasked, laid bare, refuted, and rejected by the scientific, academic, theologic, philosophic, judicial, and legislative communities, in concert, without substantive dissent. Now, while the weight of consensus opinion from any one of those communities at the very least would present significant inconvenience to your proposition, the actual state of affairs, the congruence of directly relevant, legitimate, authoritative, consensus opinion amounts to established fact; Creationism/ID-iocy is bullshit.
The only circular argument operational in the entire matter is "
It appears to me inconceivable that things might appear to be as they appear without having been brought to appear as they do through the action of a designer, therefore, since inconceivable is that other than that there must be a designer, obviously, there is a designer", which, in effect and in practice, is the founadational
Ignoratio Elenchi, Post Hoc Ergo Propter Hoc, Petitio Principii, Argumentum ad Ignorantum material fallacy which comprises the basic, essential category error from which your terminally flawed proposition proceeds. If not for ignorance, superstition, arrogance, and deceit, your proposition would have no capital to invest.
On the other hand, there is little cause to expect your proposition might soon exhaust such capital as is at its disposal.