the entire problem of what you speak is that theres no way to even propose doing studies or experiments to make a valid point. Saying that theres "gotta be intelligence involved' requires the most proof to even begin. scientists are, first and foremost, reality driven. The reality is that earth's environment through time seems to clearly establish the bounds for the direction that life has taken. We cannot deny that this is very strong evidence that seems to counter any introduction of intelligent design. Instead, it appears that life had several minor attempt at "startups", only to be wiped out by some edaphic factors. Life appeared and mulled around in a state that celebrated Archea and several other kingdomes of cellular life for several billion years. Then with an appearance of photosynthetic plants 'EVENT" consistent with a major "cool down" on the planet, life took a major direction change by introducing "hard parts" which allowed for the adaptation to many changing niches by larger and larger organisms. After that, its several episodes of environmental change and cataclysmic events that further directed lifes structure.(Now, I suppose you could sy that these cataclysms were intelligence driven but still, youre going to need to present some evidence to make simple guys like me buy into the program).
Of my above simple tale of life on erth we can follow a story with a pretty much consistent script. ll admit, we do have introductions of several species of life , like fungii, or bats, or even monotreme mammals, that seemed to have jut "popped up" in the geologic record, but Id counter the intelligence thing by saying that we dont really have a very good stratigraphic record.
The Creationists would deny the facts and evidence for evolution, thats dumb thinking. The modern IDers have tried to subsume all the existing evidence of science and they say "see, just add intelligence and there we are" . I think thats a job that, if you are such a believer, that needs to be done in a big way. The Discovery Institute, shortly after it went "big time",promised all kinds of positive results in its own sponsored research that was directed to discover "intelligence in the Universe" and specially in the development of life on earth.
That was like 2003 and so far, all theyve done has been to try to discount research results of major evo/devo science organizations (sorta just like the Creationists no?).
Qith the mapping of "fossil genes" in various organisms, (Like the fossil gene compliment in plants like "Dawn Evergreens" and Ginkgo trees, or even gallenaceous birds and reptiles weve been able to see large lines of (What used to be called JUNK DNA) is now better understood to be fossil genes that have just been " replaced and turned off and placed in storage".
Whatever happened to these "hunts for intelligence" that were promised as major peer reviewed papers