Don't tell me there's no proof for evolution

real life
Reply Wed 3 Jan, 2007 12:42 pm
Stevo2 wrote:

I missed your long reply to farmerman above. I do tend to get put off by seeing long copied passages and I usually read them later. But anyway, the lack of transitional fossils is a myth, a lie, a fabrication. Yes, there are transitional fossils. Why this still gets peddled confounds me. As farmerman says, you need to get acquainted with evolution in the 21st century.

Well, evolutionists usually get around the lack of large numbers of transitional forms by stating , 'well, in reality, EVERYTHING is a transitional form'.

Great way of dodging falsifiability.

Just as I had mentioned earlier when dealing with another classic evolutionary dodge of falsifiability -----

'we may not know HOW evolution happened, we just know that it MUST have'.

In this way, ALL evidence is constantly interpreted as supporting evolution NO MATTER WHAT.

Evolution is protected as the presupposition no matter what evidence turns up, with falsifiability thrown under the bus.

If scientists today dug up a Trex with a human in his tummy, the mantra would be --

'well whaddya know, I guess a few dinosaurs musta survived much longer than we thought. But of course evolution still happened, we all know that.'
0 Replies
Reply Wed 3 Jan, 2007 12:46 pm
As readilly may be seen in gunga's posts, the manner of one's discourse says much - in fact, more frequently than not says all that needs be said - of the merit of that one's contribution to the discussion in progress.

ReMine - an electrical engineer by training and education, and by trade until he threw that over to devote his time and energy to debunking The Theory of Evolution - has an all but singular take on geneticist Haldane's 1957 postulate. Perhaps worth noting is that ReMine's "work" is to be found, apart from his own vanity press publications and his own website, only in Creationist/ID-iot publications and websites. Perhaps worth noting as well is that ReMine has campaigned - vigorously, for years - to have his "work" accepted and published by any legitimate, peer-reviewed professional or academic journal, or even merely to be cited as supporting, authoritative material in any article, by any author, appearing in any such journal - without success. And perhaps equally worthy of note is that ReMine and adherents protest shrilly that the Evil Atheistic Darwinist Cabal conspires actively to suppress his astounding findings, which findings would of course dispell the lies of the Evil Atheistic Darwinist Cabal, thoroughly, conclusively, and once and for all destroying the Heathen Humanist Heresy to which Science (that's Capital "S" Science, mind you) is held in thrall, which heresy, by its arrogant incompatability with the Immutable Truth of The Revealed Word of God, stands clearly, demonstrably in error.

Now, there is the fact "Haldane's Dillema" as a counter to evolutionary development is a notion dismissed - for various reasons - by legitimate mainstream biologists and genetecists from around the late 1960's, as discussed HERE:
... Based on the information available in 1957, Haldane estimated the number of gene differences between closely related species (not to be confused with the number of gene changes required for speciation) as typically about 1,000. It would therefore take about 300,000 generations for this amount of divergence to evolve by natural selection. Haldane thought this was broadly consistent with the fossil record, so he saw no 'dilemma'.

In the 1960s new evidence showed more genetic diversity within and between species than was previously assumed. It therefore became problematic that natural selection seemed either too slow to explain the observed diversity or too costly in mortality for species to survive. Hence the 'dilemma'. Motoo Kimura used Haldane's figures to support his own theory of molecular evolution, maintaining that a large proportion of change at the molecular level is not due to selection but to genetic drift. In the resulting debate geneticists picked holes in Haldane's analysis, and showed that in some circumstances natural selection could be much quicker than Haldane had claimed. (Haldane died in 1964, so he took no part in this debate.) By the mid-1970s it was generally accepted that Haldane's Dilemma was not a serious problem. [Note 2]

The issue was reopened in 1992 by George C. Williams in his book Natural Selection: Domains, Levels and Challenges, where he argued that Haldane's Dilemma had not been solved, but 'merely faded away, because people got interested in other things'. The subject has also taken a bizarre twist in recent years as Haldane's Dilemma has been seized on by Creationists as an objection to evolution. (Searching the Web for 'Haldane's Dilemma', a large proportion of the results will be Creationist websites. A key Creationist example is here, and an evolutionist response is here.) This raises a dilemma of a different kind, as there is a danger that anyone who takes Haldane's Dilemma seriously will be misrepresented as a crypto-Creationist, or misquoted to give support to Creationism. So just to be clear: I do not think Haldane's Dilemma is a major problem for evolutionary theory. On the other hand, I do think that George C. Williams raised some interesting points. The real value of the Dilemma is now not so much to set any firm limit to the rate of evolution, as to focus attention on important questions about how natural selection works ...

That pretty unambiguously illustrates the academically and scientifically dishonest Creationists/ID-iot practice of representing the existence of unresolved questions pertaining to some one or another particular as invalidating - despite overwhelmingly preponderant evidence to the contrary - the overall general consensus of the legitimate mainstream academic and scientific communities ... "Evolutionists don't agree on {this or that} so obviously the whole Theory of Evolution is wrong".

And then there's THIS (see also addendum slideshow {note: 23 page .pdf download}), which led to THIS:

These findings of McGinnis et al demonstrate and confirm that a single minor chemical alignment shift in a small segment of DNA - a very, very minor "mutation" - can and does have major, lasting, broadly proliferating, cascading impact on many aspects of an organism's subsequent development. Think FEEDBACK LOOPS and BUTTERFLY EFFECT.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 3 Jan, 2007 12:46 pm
real life wrote:
Stevo2 wrote:

I missed your long reply to farmerman above. I do tend to get put off by seeing long copied passages and I usually read them later. But anyway, the lack of transitional fossils is a myth, a lie, a fabrication. Yes, there are transitional fossils. Why this still gets peddled confounds me. As farmerman says, you need to get acquainted with evolution in the 21st century.

Well, evolutionists usually get around the lack of large numbers of transitional forms by stating , 'well, in reality, EVERYTHING is a transitional form'.

The basic problem: the (original) theory required that the majority of all fossils be intermediates, and they never found the first unquestionable one.

The new version of the theory, punk-eek, does not require finding any intermediates but, as I noted above, is basically a pseudoscience and has several other overwhelming problems.

Walter Remine notes that none of the available versions of the theory of evolution is logically coherent or believable in and of itself and that, therefore, evo-losers try to present to the public what Remine terms a 'smorgasbord' of bits and pieces of the several of them.

The normal English language term for that sort of thing is "bullshit".
0 Replies
Reply Wed 3 Jan, 2007 12:48 pm
timberlandko wrote:
As readilly may be seen in gunga's posts, the manner of one's discourse says much - in fact, more frequently than not says all that needs be said - of the merit of that one's contribution to the discussion in progress.....

Act and speak like a pig, and you can expect to be treated like one, at least by me.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 3 Jan, 2007 12:57 pm
real life wrote:
Well, evolutionists usually get around the lack of large numbers of transitional forms by stating , 'well, in reality, EVERYTHING is a transitional form'.

Great way of dodging falsifiability.

I submit that is a falsehood and comprises a straw man fallacy. I challenge you to demonstrate that it be not so.

Just as I had mentioned earlier when dealing with another classic evolutionary dodge of falsifiability -----

'we may not know HOW evolution happened, we just know that it MUST have'.

In this way, ALL evidence is constantly interpreted as supporting evolution NO MATTER WHAT.

Evolution is protected as the presupposition no matter what evidence turns up, with falsifiability thrown under the bus.

Dealt with Here in reference to gunga's use of that silly specious objection, and HERE in specific reference to your own similar silly offering.

If scientists today dug up a Trex with a human in his tummy, the mantra would be --

'well whaddya know, I guess a few dinosaurs musta survived much longer than we thought. But of course evolution still happened, we all know that.'

Straw man by way of unwarranted, afoundational argumentum ad absurdam.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 3 Jan, 2007 02:07 pm
timberlandko wrote:
As readilly may be seen in gunga's posts, the manner of one's discourse says much - in fact, more frequently than not says all that needs be said - of the merit of that one's contribution to the discussion in progress.

ReMine - an electrical engineer by training and education, and by trade until he threw that over to devote his time and energy to debunking The Theory of Evolution - has an all but singular take on geneticist Haldane's 1957 postulate. Perhaps worth noting is that ReMine's "work" is to be found, apart from his own vanity press publications and his own website, only in Creationist/ID-iot publications and websites. Perhaps worth noting as well is that ReMine has campaigned - vigorously, for years - to have his "work" accepted and published by any legitimate, peer-reviewed professional or academic journal, or even merely to be cited as supporting, authoritative material in any article, by any author, appearing in any such journal - without success. And perhaps equally worthy of note is that ReMine and adherents protest shrilly that the Evil Atheistic Darwinist Cabal conspires actively to suppress his astounding findings, which findings would of course dispell the lies of the Evil Atheistic Darwinist Cabal, thoroughly, conclusively, and once and for all destroying the Heathen Humanist Heresy to which Science (that's Capital "S" Science, mind you) is held in thrall, which heresy, by its arrogant incompatability with the Immutable Truth of The Revealed Word of God, stands clearly, demonstrably in error.

Now, there is the fact "Haldane's Dillema" as a counter to evolutionary development is a notion dismissed - for various reasons - by legitimate mainstream biologists and genetecists from around the late 1960's, as discussed HERE:
... Based on the information available in 1957, Haldane estimated the number of gene differences between closely related species (not to be confused with the number of gene changes required for speciation) as typically about 1,000. It would therefore take about 300,000 generations for this amount of divergence to evolve by natural selection. Haldane thought this was broadly consistent with the fossil record, so he saw no 'dilemma'.

In the 1960s new evidence showed more genetic diversity within and between species than was previously assumed. It therefore became problematic that natural selection seemed either too slow to explain the observed diversity or too costly in mortality for species to survive. Hence the 'dilemma'. Motoo Kimura used Haldane's figures to support his own theory of molecular evolution, maintaining that a large proportion of change at the molecular level is not due to selection but to genetic drift. In the resulting debate geneticists picked holes in Haldane's analysis, and showed that in some circumstances natural selection could be much quicker than Haldane had claimed. (Haldane died in 1964, so he took no part in this debate.) By the mid-1970s it was generally accepted that Haldane's Dilemma was not a serious problem. [Note 2]

The issue was reopened in 1992 by George C. Williams in his book Natural Selection: Domains, Levels and Challenges, where he argued that Haldane's Dilemma had not been solved, but 'merely faded away, because people got interested in other things'. The subject has also taken a bizarre twist in recent years as Haldane's Dilemma has been seized on by Creationists as an objection to evolution. (Searching the Web for 'Haldane's Dilemma', a large proportion of the results will be Creationist websites. A key Creationist example is here, and an evolutionist response is here.) This raises a dilemma of a different kind, as there is a danger that anyone who takes Haldane's Dilemma seriously will be misrepresented as a crypto-Creationist, or misquoted to give support to Creationism. So just to be clear: I do not think Haldane's Dilemma is a major problem for evolutionary theory. On the other hand, I do think that George C. Williams raised some interesting points. The real value of the Dilemma is now not so much to set any firm limit to the rate of evolution, as to focus attention on important questions about how natural selection works ...

That pretty unambiguously illustrates the academically and scientifically dishonest Creationists/ID-iot practice of representing the existence of unresolved questions pertaining to some one or another particular as invalidating - despite overwhelmingly preponderant evidence to the contrary - the overall general consensus of the legitimate mainstream academic and scientific communities ... "Evolutionists don't agree on {this or that} so obviously the whole Theory of Evolution is wrong".

And then there's THIS (see also addendum slideshow {note: 23 page .pdf download}), which led to THIS:

These findings of McGinnis et al demonstrate and confirm that a single minor chemical alignment shift in a small segment of DNA - a very, very minor "mutation" - can and does have major, lasting, broadly proliferating, cascading impact on many aspects of an organism's subsequent development. Think FEEDBACK LOOPS and BUTTERFLY EFFECT.

This is an important post/point.

Because of that I'm sure it will be overlooked by the creationists here.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 3 Jan, 2007 05:39 pm
It's pretty funny that many practical applications of the scientific method are readily accepted by those disputing evolution, but when those scientific disciplines are perceived to challenge their religious beliefs......

I would ask why those who dispute evolution are so readily willing to accept the benefits of virology, or genetic research, or DNA testing or even oil exploration as it relates to geologic evolution.

Best not get vaccinations or fill your car with gas lest it violate your religious dogma. A good alternative name for anti-evolution people would be "Convenient Luddite".
0 Replies
Reply Wed 3 Jan, 2007 07:56 pm
Were it that all of Christianity were of the minds of gunga and RL , it would be easier to accept as a major movement and so , a fault of the dispassionate transfer of scientific information. However, in reality, the group that is so vocal about their belief systems is quite small. They want their world to be a theocracy and independent of Constitutional LAw. Its a control thing , nothing to do with science. Ive been sitting in these pits for about 4 years now and havent seen or heard anything new (except whenever Wandel posts some new news or the daily science report finds another fossil or gene). The Iders and Creationists have tried over and over to spread the very same stories. If I had a nickel everytime gunga invokes Ramine or Haldane or uses "punk eek" , well Id have a huge pile of nickels. We may as well admit it and then decide our paths, These guys dont listen to anything that isnt pre- spun by some Answers in Genesis guy in a shiny grey suit and bright cerulean tie. Theres no peer review or quality control for gunga and rl, they merely stop preaching in one area and quickly sprint over to some other point .

Im not going to cast doubts about gungas competence to even evaluate scientific data. I think that hes doing a better job on himself when he gets his rants up or starts calling up Phil Delorias Dad as evidence.

I remember that it was gunga who 2 years ago on a thread that was called something like "Evolosers have a tough time explaining this" . In this thread he posted a picture of a skeleton dinosaur with a skeleton hominid in its jaws. Like they both died whikle the dino was eating the guy and they bothe became fossilized. He stood behind this until the actual perps admitted that it was a fake, not recognizing that the spectre of falsifiability had been seen in this thread. "If we see man and dino together, then evolution has to be suspect" Thats falsifiability, the Creationists raised the whole point, then denied that they did the hoaz and later claim that evolution has been falsified over and over.

The important thing is that evolution HAS NEVER BEEN FALSIFIED, and I challenge gunga or rl to show us where such exists in the literature or the specimen world. To date, all attempts at using falsifiability on science have, themselves been shown to be FALSE. Ironic aint it?

Believe in a worldview that teaches its a sin to lie, then you go and use falsehoods to uphold your worldview. My world has not turned upside down, Im not so sure about gungas.

ANYBODY remeber Rex the WOnder Squirrel. He was a vocal Galahad for the Creationists fr quite a spell. Then there was Jack of All trades, and then Medved. ALL were found to be basically tellers of "The Big Lie" regarding Creation "science". They were so bound in their religious outlook that they missed many of their own deity's rules . Maybe they did keep two or three. "Thou shalt not pull punches, " and "Thou shalt first make up something really ridiculous and claim that its true" also "Thou shalt piss all over real data and evidence, and keepest only my version"
0 Replies
Reply Wed 3 Jan, 2007 08:01 pm
chumly wrote about gunga's understandings of science
or even oil exploration as it relates to geologic evolution.
Chumly, gunga doesnt even know what he doesnt know. Hes just a voice on the internet. He can claim anything he wishes, In the real world hed lose a fortune of someones money and his contracts would be terminated with penalties out the wazoo. Hed be busted flat after one spec hole.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 3 Jan, 2007 08:47 pm
maporsche wrote:
timberlandko wrote:
As readilly may be seen in gunga's posts, the manner of one's discourse says much - in fact, more frequently than not says all that needs be said - of the merit of that one's contribution to the discussion in progress.

ReMine - an electrical engineer by training and education, and by trade until he threw that over to devote his time and energy to debunking The Theory of Evolution - has an all but singular take on geneticist Haldane's 1957 postulate. Perhaps worth noting is that ReMine's "work" is to be found, apart from his own vanity press publications and his own website, only in Creationist/ID-iot publications and websites. Perhaps worth noting as well is that ReMine has campaigned - vigorously, for years - to have his "work" accepted and published by any legitimate, peer-reviewed professional or academic journal, or even merely to be cited as supporting, authoritative material in any article, by any author, appearing in any such journal - without success. And perhaps equally worthy of note is that ReMine and adherents protest shrilly that the Evil Atheistic Darwinist Cabal conspires actively to suppress his astounding findings, which findings would of course dispell the lies of the Evil Atheistic Darwinist Cabal, thoroughly, conclusively, and once and for all destroying the Heathen Humanist Heresy to which Science (that's Capital "S" Science, mind you) is held in thrall, which heresy, by its arrogant incompatability with the Immutable Truth of The Revealed Word of God, stands clearly, demonstrably in error.

Now, there is the fact "Haldane's Dillema" as a counter to evolutionary development is a notion dismissed - for various reasons - by legitimate mainstream biologists and genetecists from around the late 1960's, as discussed HERE:
... Based on the information available in 1957, Haldane estimated the number of gene differences between closely related species (not to be confused with the number of gene changes required for speciation) as typically about 1,000. It would therefore take about 300,000 generations for this amount of divergence to evolve by natural selection. Haldane thought this was broadly consistent with the fossil record, so he saw no 'dilemma'.

In the 1960s new evidence showed more genetic diversity within and between species than was previously assumed. It therefore became problematic that natural selection seemed either too slow to explain the observed diversity or too costly in mortality for species to survive. Hence the 'dilemma'. Motoo Kimura used Haldane's figures to support his own theory of molecular evolution, maintaining that a large proportion of change at the molecular level is not due to selection but to genetic drift. In the resulting debate geneticists picked holes in Haldane's analysis, and showed that in some circumstances natural selection could be much quicker than Haldane had claimed. (Haldane died in 1964, so he took no part in this debate.) By the mid-1970s it was generally accepted that Haldane's Dilemma was not a serious problem. [Note 2]

The issue was reopened in 1992 by George C. Williams in his book Natural Selection: Domains, Levels and Challenges, where he argued that Haldane's Dilemma had not been solved, but 'merely faded away, because people got interested in other things'. The subject has also taken a bizarre twist in recent years as Haldane's Dilemma has been seized on by Creationists as an objection to evolution. (Searching the Web for 'Haldane's Dilemma', a large proportion of the results will be Creationist websites. A key Creationist example is here, and an evolutionist response is here.) This raises a dilemma of a different kind, as there is a danger that anyone who takes Haldane's Dilemma seriously will be misrepresented as a crypto-Creationist, or misquoted to give support to Creationism. So just to be clear: I do not think Haldane's Dilemma is a major problem for evolutionary theory. On the other hand, I do think that George C. Williams raised some interesting points. The real value of the Dilemma is now not so much to set any firm limit to the rate of evolution, as to focus attention on important questions about how natural selection works ...

That pretty unambiguously illustrates the academically and scientifically dishonest Creationists/ID-iot practice of representing the existence of unresolved questions pertaining to some one or another particular as invalidating - despite overwhelmingly preponderant evidence to the contrary - the overall general consensus of the legitimate mainstream academic and scientific communities ... "Evolutionists don't agree on {this or that} so obviously the whole Theory of Evolution is wrong".

And then there's THIS (see also addendum slideshow {note: 23 page .pdf download}), which led to THIS:

These findings of McGinnis et al demonstrate and confirm that a single minor chemical alignment shift in a small segment of DNA - a very, very minor "mutation" - can and does have major, lasting, broadly proliferating, cascading impact on many aspects of an organism's subsequent development. Think FEEDBACK LOOPS and BUTTERFLY EFFECT.

This is an important post/point.

Because of that I'm sure it will be overlooked by the creationists here.

Maybe someone can summarize the "important point" in their own words. The ambiguous -at the same time sensational- presentation leaves me suspicious. I feel confident what investigation will find, but maybe someone can save me the time.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 3 Jan, 2007 09:08 pm
gungasnake wrote:
Act and speak like a pig, and you can expect to be treated like one, at least by me.

I can conceive of no circumstance wherein a rational discussor might find it agreeable to resort to the manner of discourse reflected by your postings to the end of gaining regard as an equal from one who posts as do you, gunga - when engaged in a contest of wits against an opponent evidently committed to appearing ill armed, the most efficacious approach is to do nothing which might inconvenience that opponent's aim of achieving self destruction.

Carry on.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 3 Jan, 2007 09:13 pm
farmerman wrote:

ANYBODY remeber Rex the WOnder Squirrel. He was a vocal Galahad for the Creationists fr quite a spell. Then there was Jack of All trades, and then Medved. ALL were found to be basically tellers of "The Big Lie" regarding Creation "science". They were so bound in their religious outlook that they missed many of their own deity's rules .

but then, there were others equally involved (I don't wanna name anyone) who were honest and courageous enough to learn and grow in other directions, which can't be easy. I think that reading and participating in threads like this one may have helped that process a lot, which is why it is worth the trouble to continue, right?
0 Replies
Reply Wed 3 Jan, 2007 09:17 pm
chiso wrote:

Maybe someone can summarize the "important point" in their own words. The ambiguous -at the same time sensational- presentation leaves me suspicious. I feel confident what investigation will find, but maybe someone can save me the time.

I think the value of taking the time to understand it properly is largely the point being made.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 3 Jan, 2007 09:22 pm
Its more about making the effort than merely taking the time, IMO.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 3 Jan, 2007 09:28 pm
Eorl wrote:
chiso wrote:

Maybe someone can summarize the "important point" in their own words. The ambiguous -at the same time sensational- presentation leaves me suspicious. I feel confident what investigation will find, but maybe someone can save me the time.

I think the value of taking the time to understand it properly is largely the point being made.

Way to go, Eorl.
Now - can you summarize it?
0 Replies
Reply Wed 3 Jan, 2007 09:39 pm
I believe I just did, and if I didn't, Timber certainly did.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 3 Jan, 2007 10:31 pm
I was pretty sure no one could.
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Reply Wed 3 Jan, 2007 11:21 pm

That you won't take the time (or make the effort) to even read the post says far more about you than it does about anyone else, and it certainly devalues any further input from you on the subject.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 4 Jan, 2007 12:54 am
For those who believe in God, most of the big questions are answered. But for those of us who can't readily accept the God formula, the big answers don't remain stone-written. We adjust to new conditions and discoveries. We are pliable. Love need not be a command or faith a dictum. I am my own God. We are here to unlearn the teachings of the church, state, and our educational system. We are here to drink beer. We are here to kill war. We are here to laugh at the odds and live our lives so well that Death will tremble to take us.

- Charles Bukowski
0 Replies
Reply Thu 4 Jan, 2007 07:42 am
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