I will be GLAD to tell you there is no Proof!
Billions of cells, made of
countless billions of molecules,
made of countless trillions of atoms,
made of countless trillions and more
trillions of sub-atomic particles.
All arranged to co-operate together
in systems- muscles, skeletons, organs,
nervous systems, etc, and designed in
a manner allowing them to exist in
different environments.
Thus, all living things are complex
beyond full comprehension!
The odds are infinitly better for you
or I to go to the store every day for
a long lifetime, and to hit the big
jackpot EACH and EVERY TIME.
Modern technology, with centuries of
science behind it, is FINALLY able to
make some crude robots, based on the
design of biology.
It would be FAR more credible that these
robots (such as the wacaru by
Mitusbishi- pardon my spelling) could
build themselves than to swallow the
Dogma of Evolution!
Then we have the 'Big Bang'...
Anyone ever hear of an explosion where
the exploded matter gathers together
forming things?
All the planets- and their many moons-
all in perfect orbits?