Lifebuoy soap was created in 1895.
Once again an opportunity to discuss the double standard is swept under A2K's rug. I'm quite positive I heard a racial epithet tossed at Cosmo before he launched into his. No excuse for what he did, but I've read little or nothing about anything except what he did. Is this thread just about Cosmo? Because if it is, it is trial by Internet and a lost opportunity.
edgarblythe wrote:Lifebuoy soap was created in 1895.
Didn't know that, EB. My grandmother was strictly an Ivory customer. I've used it myself all my life, i like it--despite an unpleasant memory . . . or two . . .
We didn't bother much, with soap.
Re: I Was a Big "Kramer" Fan...
snood wrote:I was one of the very late comers, when it came to appreciating Seinfeld.
But by the time it went totally into syndication, I was on board and lovin' it. I still never miss an episode, when I get a chance to catch one.
But I'll never be able to look at Kramer the same again after witnessing this **** by Michael Richards onstage at the Laugh factory:
Isn't this incident sort of like the time Jesse Jackson call NY Jewish people, a degrading name ( not printable on A2K )?
Did someone say Jesse Jackson! Quick, get a camera!
cjhsa wrote:Did someone say Jesse Jackson! Quick, get a camera!
No Man! Go get a phone...
I just wanted to point out that this question of mine never got answered.
kickycan wrote:snood wrote:And there are a couple of people here that seem to have a little disconnect from the reality that he simply f*cked up, evidenced by talk about harm to the comedic art, and how everyone is capable of what he did, and such.
I'm not sure what you mean by that. What disconnect is there? I said that he f*cked up. I also see how it could have happened, given what he was doing when it happened. I don't see that as a disconnect. Can you please explain why you think it is?
I only asked because it seemed a little bit like a dig at me, as well as others. Oh well, I don't expect anything more from certain people.
kicky, What snood is saying is, there's a plausable excuse for Richards' behavior because "everyone is capable" of what he did - while hurting the art of comedy.
That's my humble interpretation.
Hmmm...I guess that's possible.
I'm very resistant to the crucifixion of Richards in the name of our values. We all are capable of moments of craziness. Circumstances can trigger the liberation of unconscious demons in all of us. It is what Richards does about his "exposure" AND, at the same time, what we do in response to his actions that count most of all.
JLN, I disagree. That much hate spewed from Richards will not be excused by me!
What I'm saying, I guess, is that while the Richards phenomenon was horrendous and will cause him to fall from grace for a long time (maybe like the four years of Trent Lott), what interests me most of all is how we liberals respond. Are we going to USE his fall to aggrandize ourselves or are we going to try to respond constructively. I'm hoping that we liberals will be at least as understanding as black people may be.
Please remember your words, Cicerone, following Snood, that "everyone is capable" of what Richards did. I'd like to hope that KKK members are potentially capable of overcoming their prejudice.
Even with my atheism, I'm presently appreciating the ethical stance of Jesus. Hope it lasts!
JLN, That's the key to his fall from grace: he's in the entertainment business. I can't talk for everybody in how they have responded and will treat him in the future; I can only speak for myself. I'm sure there are people who will forgive his gaff. I'm not one of those.
JLN, That's the key to his fall from grace: he's in the entertainment business. I can't talk for everybody in how they have responded and will treat him in the future; I can only speak for myself. I'm sure there are people who will forgive his gaff. I'm not one of those. I've lived with discrimination during most of my childhood. That taught me something that will remain in me for the rest of my life.
I am unwilling to forgive triple posting.
cjh is another troll; tiresome bastard.
Tiresome to you, because logic fails your old brain.
cjhsa wrote:I'm quite positive I heard a racial epithet tossed at Cosmo before he launched into his.
Not that it matters, much, but can you please provide a link to the specific clip that you saw? I didn't notice anyone else make any racist comment until Richards was already well into his tirade.
C.I., I was not suggesting that we "forgive" his actions, only that we "understand" how and why they occurred. Your early (and perhaps on-going) experiences with prejudice may "justify" your desire for vengeance (that's how I see your unwillingness to "forgive" Richards) require now that you both understand his actions as well as yours. Prejudice is evil (in both of our perspectives), but an unwillingness to "understand" in the service of vengeance is not virtue.
Please do not take offense: you are one of my favorite A2Kers. This is one of the very rare times I have disagreed with you.