talk72000 wrote:Best idea is to privatize it and call it Halliburton War and let them bear the burden in terms of financing and personnel.
Haliburton is an American company & the only one that does some aspects of Haliburtons many tasks. Would it be better to give some foreign company the jobs that haliburton provides for Americans?
Yes, Haliburton has been caught with it's sticky fingers in the cookie jar, not like they're the first or last corp that have or will cheat the taxpayer, in fact, Congress does it every day they're in session.
Maybe we could allow the Chinese to take over Haliburtons tasks, like we've allowed China to manufacture our militarys boots. Or maybe like Loral, give away national security secrets to China? There's all sorts of avenues that we could allow foreign countries/gov'ts to take oevr. The UN is working on that as we speak.