Unbelievers: Do you participate in Easter? Christmas?

Reply Fri 1 Dec, 2006 09:05 am
Setanta wrote:
How typically "christian" your judgmental attitude is.

ad hominem.
0 Replies
Reply Fri 1 Dec, 2006 09:08 am
Calling people hypocrites constitutes argumentum ad hominem, too . . . sauce for the goose . . .
0 Replies
Reply Fri 1 Dec, 2006 09:11 am
Setanta wrote:
Calling people hypocrites constitutes argumentum ad hominem, too . . . sauce for the goose . . .

So you're not a hypocrite?
0 Replies
Reply Fri 1 Dec, 2006 09:12 am
0 Replies
Reply Fri 1 Dec, 2006 09:27 am
Setanta wrote:

Well then - good for you. I stand corrected. I've never met a person who's never acted in contradiction to his or her stated beliefs or feelings. Smile

Wish I could say the same - about me. :wink:
0 Replies
Reply Fri 1 Dec, 2006 09:40 am
Since you cannot, i think it reasonable to assume that your hypocrisy entails the contravention of Christian principles. Matthew enjoins you to ". . . judge not lest ye be judged." Your boy Hey-Zeus says the he who is without sin should cast the first stone. You have cast the first stone with this thread, are you claiming that you are without sin?

Frankly, i find the concept ridiculous on the face of it. Everyone judges every day, and with good reason. Even among the religiously motivated, they constantly judge who is righteous and who is not--and that is the exercise in which you have been engaged here.

That constitutes hypocrisy. Whether or not you are consistently a hypocrite, which is to say, whether or not you consistently profess virtues which you do not practice, i could not say. Frankly, i'm not interested in whether or not you are, but i see rampant hypocrisy in a thread started by a Christian for no other purpose than to condemn those with whom said Christian thinks he will not agree.
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Joe Nation
Reply Fri 1 Dec, 2006 09:57 am
....a thread started by a Christian for no other purpose than to condemn those with whom said Christian thinks he will not agree.

And the operative word there is 'thinks'.

Joe(judgement and pre-judgement but with passion)Nation
0 Replies
Reply Fri 1 Dec, 2006 10:04 am
I love how the original intention of his post is about "Passion" and passion being forgotten when it comes to money. His first post mention's nothing of passion, and when he gets questioned about his intentions he pull a George Bush and changes the entire reasoning behind his post.

He also live in an antiquated world where end of the year bonus' are still referred to as Christmas bonus'. Do you know what else coincides with Year-End bonus', the END OF THE FISCAL YEAR. I get my bonus the 1st week of January, do I need to feel hypocritical? Is that still a Christmas bonus'.

I wonder if immigrants (legal or illegal) celebrate the 4th of July? Should they feel hypocritical?
0 Replies
Reply Fri 1 Dec, 2006 10:33 am
Setanta wrote:
Since you cannot, i think it reasonable to assume that your hypocrisy entails the contravention of Christian principles. Matthew enjoins you to ". . . judge not lest ye be judged." Your boy Hey-Zeus says the he who is without sin should cast the first stone. You have cast the first stone with this thread, are you claiming that you are without sin?

Frankly, i find the concept ridiculous on the face of it. Everyone judges every day, and with good reason. Even among the religiously motivated, they constantly judge who is righteous and who is not--and that is the exercise in which you have been engaged here.

That constitutes hypocrisy. Whether or not you are consistently a hypocrite, which is to say, whether or not you consistently profess virtues which you do not practice, i could not say. Frankly, i'm not interested in whether or not you are, but i see rampant hypocrisy in a thread started by a Christian for no other purpose than to condemn those with whom said Christian thinks he will not agree.

You continue to disregard the direct message(s) of my posts. So be it. It is MHO that you are probably upset with the reality of the results - and this is causing you discomfort. [And somehow you'll probably label this thought of mine as judgmental.] Again - so be it.

Call me whatever you like, generalize, twist words, manipulate - do whatever you feel the need to do - it does not matter to me. My intent simply is what I said - nothing more, nothing less.

Exposure means different things to different people. Some lash out, some look in the mirror, some ask for advice, some would never think of asking for advice. Such is life. :wink:
0 Replies
Reply Fri 1 Dec, 2006 10:47 am
maporsche wrote:
I love how the original intention of his post is about "Passion" and passion being forgotten when it comes to money. His first post mention's nothing of passion, and when he gets questioned about his intentions he pull a George Bush and changes the entire reasoning behind his post.

He also live in an antiquated world where end of the year bonus' are still referred to as Christmas bonus'. Do you know what else coincides with Year-End bonus', the END OF THE FISCAL YEAR. I get my bonus the 1st week of January, do I need to feel hypocritical? Is that still a Christmas bonus'.

I wonder if immigrants (legal or illegal) celebrate the 4th of July? Should they feel hypocritical?

Ah - you again. Where have you been? After posting that hostile, name-calling reply earlier on this thread, and claiming that there was no way I would reply to it - you vanished - until now. Interesting. Shocked Why back? Why no answers to my questions from your vile reply? Confused

BTW: Many corporations consider their fiscal year to be from July 31-Aug 1! So what?

And now you bring George W. into the mix. Shocked
0 Replies
Reply Fri 1 Dec, 2006 11:00 am
baddog1 wrote:
You continue to disregard the direct message(s) of my posts. So be it.

That's a lie. The direct message of your posts is that those who do not share your superstition, but who accept the realities of a largely christian society are hypocrites. Basically, this entire exercise is name-calling against people who don't happen to entertain your personal superstition. So be it.

It is MHO that you are probably upset with the reality of the results - and this is causing you discomfort. [And somehow you'll probably label this thought of mine as judgmental.] Again - so be it.

Not judgmental--just deluded. You have begged the question from the outset. You decided that people who take the christmas holiday, who accept an annual bonus at christmas-time are hypocrites, and have deluded yourself into claiming that the responses prove your point. You haven't absorbed the meaning of the many reasonable responses which were made to your thesis, and that's because you already decided in advance that those whom you are pleased to label "unbelievers" are hypocrites, and you won't be budged in that opinion.

One of our more articulate members who has responded reasonably to your thesis is Jewish. Do you label her an unbeliever because she happens to have different beliefs than you do? Is she a hypocrite by your criterion.

This has bascially been an exercise in mental masturbation on your part.

Call me whatever you like, generalize, twist words, manipulate - do whatever you feel the need to do - it does not matter to me. My intent simply is what I said - nothing more, nothing less.

I indulged in no generalizations, i specifically responded to what you have posted. I didn't twist or manipulate anything--you had from the outset the object of demonstrating that those with whom you disagree are hypocrites, and no response anyone made could have changed that, because your mind was made up at the beginning, and you've begged the question from the beginning.

Exposure means different things to different people. Some lash out, some look in the mirror, some ask for advice, some would never think of asking for advice. Such is life. (emoticon removed in the interest of good taste)

Your puerile games don't change the fact that you decided at the outset that those whom you are pleased to describe as "unbelievers" are hypocrites, and that you've done nothing in this thread but beg the question and declare that you were right all along.

A pathetic performance altogether, but not one which is unexpected from narrow-minded, self-righteous, hypocritical christianity.
0 Replies
Reply Fri 1 Dec, 2006 11:25 am
Setanta wrote:
baddog1 wrote:
You continue to disregard the direct message(s) of my posts. So be it.

That's a lie. The direct message of your posts is that those who do not share your superstition, but who accept the realities of a largely christian society are hypocrites. Basically, this entire exercise is name-calling against people who don't happen to entertain your personal superstition. So be it.

It is MHO that you are probably upset with the reality of the results - and this is causing you discomfort. [And somehow you'll probably label this thought of mine as judgmental.] Again - so be it.

Not judgmental--just deluded. You have begged the question from the outset. You decided that people who take the christmas holiday, who accept an annual bonus at christmas-time are hypocrites, and have deluded yourself into claiming that the responses prove your point. You haven't absorbed the meaning of the many reasonable responses which were made to your thesis, and that's because you already decided in advance that those whom you are pleased to label "unbelievers" are hypocrites, and you won't be budged in that opinion.

One of our more articulate members who has responded reasonably to your thesis is Jewish. Do you label her an unbeliever because she happens to have different beliefs than you do? Is she a hypocrite by your criterion.

This has bascially been an exercise in mental masturbation on your part.

Call me whatever you like, generalize, twist words, manipulate - do whatever you feel the need to do - it does not matter to me. My intent simply is what I said - nothing more, nothing less.

I indulged in no generalizations, i specifically responded to what you have posted. I didn't twist or manipulate anything--you had from the outset the object of demonstrating that those with whom you disagree are hypocrites, and no response anyone made could have changed that, because your mind was made up at the beginning, and you've begged the question from the beginning.

Exposure means different things to different people. Some lash out, some look in the mirror, some ask for advice, some would never think of asking for advice. Such is life. (emoticon removed in the interest of good taste)

Your puerile games don't change the fact that you decided at the outset that those whom you are pleased to describe as "unbelievers" are hypocrites, and that you've done nothing in this thread but beg the question and declare that you were right all along.

A pathetic performance altogether, but not one which is unexpected from narrow-minded, self-righteous, hypocritical christianity.

I stopped reading where you said "Not judgmental--just deluded." Another outright lie - you clearly said otherwise in your posts.

I'm now done with you - until/unless you can learn to stop twisting my words to fit your agenda. Like I said: My position is what it is. As is yours - you simply do not like the results - IMHO! :wink:
0 Replies
Reply Fri 1 Dec, 2006 11:31 am
Re: Unbelievers: Do you participate in Easter? Christmas?
This is your initial post:

baddog1 wrote:
To Unbelievers:

If your place of employment offers time off work for Easter - do you partcipate?

How about Christmas?

Do you accept a Christmas bonus (if offered)?

If yes to any of these: Why

If yes - do you consider this to be hypocritical?

People have responded reasonably to show why they accept days off which are Christian holidays (the most compelling reason being that their place of work is not open for business on those days), and that they accept annual bonuses as their due, because all employees get such a bonus, which is considered a performance bonus.

But you have simply stated that the respondents have "proven" your thesis, and that they are hypocrites. You are a master at begging questions. There are no "results" which i don't like, there is just your deluded assumption that you have "proven" what you were prepared to believe from the outset. You were never prepared to believe anything else.
0 Replies
Reply Fri 1 Dec, 2006 12:14 pm
Re: Unbelievers: Do you participate in Easter? Christmas?
Setanta wrote:
This is your initial post:

baddog1 wrote:
To Unbelievers:

If your place of employment offers time off work for Easter - do you partcipate?

How about Christmas?

Do you accept a Christmas bonus (if offered)?

If yes to any of these: Why

If yes - do you consider this to be hypocritical?

People have responded reasonably to show why they accept days off which are Christian holidays (the most compelling reason being that their place of work is not open for business on those days), and that they accept annual bonuses as their due, because all employees get such a bonus, which is considered a performance bonus.

But you have simply stated that the respondents have "proven" your thesis, and that they are hypocrites. You are a master at begging questions. There are no "results" which i don't like, there is just your deluded assumption that you have "proven" what you were prepared to believe from the outset. You were never prepared to believe anything else.

Take your blinders off! Re-read my posts and try to do it without prejudice! For you to tell me what my intent was - is pretentious, arrogant and wrong! Nothing less. Shocked

And I said "WE" (including ME!) are hypocrites! Get it right! Confused
0 Replies
Reply Fri 1 Dec, 2006 12:27 pm
baddog1 wrote:
Setanta wrote:
How typically "christian" your judgmental attitude is.

ad hominem.

No, in point of fact, that is not ad hominem. One wishing to present oneself as rhetorician ought at least understand and practice the basic principles of rhetoric. The arguments of those, evidently including yourself, as are given to engaging soley in presupositional aplogetics fall to the errors inherent to any Thomistic proposition.
0 Replies
Reply Fri 1 Dec, 2006 12:39 pm
Re: Unbelievers: Do you participate in Easter? Christmas?
baddog1 wrote:
To Unbelievers:

If your place of employment offers time off work for Easter - do you partcipate?

How about Christmas?

Do you accept a Christmas bonus (if offered)?

If yes to any of these: Why

If yes - do you consider this to be hypocritical?

This is your initial post. The pronoun "we" does not appear anywhere in that post.
0 Replies
Reply Fri 1 Dec, 2006 12:44 pm
timberlandko wrote:
baddog1 wrote:
Setanta wrote:
How typically "christian" your judgmental attitude is.

ad hominem.

No, in point of fact, that is not ad hominem. One wishing to present oneself as rhetorician ought at least understand and practice the basic principles of rhetoric. The arguments of those, evidently including yourself, as are given to engaging soley in presupositional aplogetics fall to the errors inherent to any Thomistic proposition.

Confused ad hominem: ...attacking the person instead of attacking his/her argument...

Have you ever heard of argument by prestigious jargon? You might find it interesting - or then again - you might not even get it. :wink:
0 Replies
Reply Fri 1 Dec, 2006 01:21 pm
baddog1 wrote:
Confused ad hominem: ...attacking the person instead of attacking his/her argument...

Have you ever heard of argument by prestigious jargon? You might find it interesting - or then again - you might not even get it. :wink:

Hoist by your own petard, there, baddog1 - the level of understanding therein demonstrated serves well to confirm the credentials established for your persona by your postings to this point.
0 Replies
Reply Fri 1 Dec, 2006 01:55 pm
Re: Unbelievers: Do you participate in Easter? Christmas?
baddog1 wrote:
maporsche wrote:
baddog1 wrote:
To Unbelievers:

If your place of employment offers time off work for Easter - do you partcipate?

How about Christmas?

Do you accept a Christmas bonus (if offered)?

If yes to any of these: Why

If yes - do you consider this to be hypocritical?

Wow, this is why many people cannot stand religion. What a condescending ASS!

Christmas has next to nothing to do with your Christ, and never has. The facts are
1) Christians forced others to accept Christ or BE MURDERED.
2) The Christians stole 12/25 from Pagans so that their religion would gain acceptance
3) Christ tells you to give your possessions to the poor, and you celebrate his birth by spending billions of dollars (this year an estimated $800/person) on worthless crap to give to people you barely like (if you're like most families). You could be buying food for the poor, but that Ipod is so much cooler. How **** selfish.
4) The Christmas tree has nothing to do with Christ. How many evergreen trees are there in Bethlehem?

How much CASH would Jesus spend on his buddies? What day would he have showed up in front of Best Buy for the new PS3?

Tell me please, what would Jesus want for Christmas?

You should be ashamed of yourself for asking this question, and not being able to recognize the hypocrisy that YOU exhibit by celebrating Christmas.

But, I'm sure you won't respond will you?

OK class - let's look up the definition of "condescending"!
Merriam Webster: to assume an air of superiority
Now class - re-read the post from maporsche and see if the definition applies!!! :wink:

Thanks for the additional lessons-by-example in hypocrisy, assumption and vile name-calling maporsche.

Oh yes - one more thought! Which of my statements above - is the most condescending? Oh, that's right class - BD1 did not post any statements - but asked questions.

Now (and very much unlike you) - I will answer your questions.

How many evergreen trees are there in Bethlehem?
Not sure - haven't been. Hope to be able to go one day though - God willing! I would assume that the evergreen is of symbolic nature such as most items related to holidays.

How much CASH would Jesus spend on his buddies?
Again - not sure. How much cash was his life worth?

What day would he have showed up in front of Best Buy for the new PS3?
As I have no idea what a PS3 is - I cannot answer that ma.

Tell me please, what would Jesus want for Christmas?
In my estimation - Jesus would want peace.

You should be ashamed of yourself for asking this question, and not being able to recognize the hypocrisy that YOU exhibit by celebrating Christmas.

I very seriously doubt that you have any idea how I celebrate Christmas! Nor would you probably believe me.

But, I'm sure you won't respond will you?
:wink: :wink: :wink:

There is nothing for me to answer in this post. You called me some names, answered some of my questions (sort of).

What would you like a response to?

How about you respond as to whether or not your consider it hypocritical of Christians who celebrate Jesus' birthday, buy buying presents instead of helping charity. Who spend billions of dollars on themselves and their families, but give nothing (or if anything, MUCH less) to the poor.

I wonder who on this board, or in this nation, celebrates Christmas in the way that one could assume Jesus would. You estimate that Jesus would want peace, so I can assume that Jesus would want Christians to promote peace as a way to celebrate his birthday. Maybe you've done a great job of promoting peace (however, if your actions are as self-righteous as this post has been, I can assume you haven't been effective), but I know plenty of Christians who are more worried about out-spending their spouse than they are about promoting peace.
0 Replies
Reply Fri 1 Dec, 2006 01:56 pm
baddog1 wrote:
maporsche wrote:
I love how the original intention of his post is about "Passion" and passion being forgotten when it comes to money. His first post mention's nothing of passion, and when he gets questioned about his intentions he pull a George Bush and changes the entire reasoning behind his post.

He also live in an antiquated world where end of the year bonus' are still referred to as Christmas bonus'. Do you know what else coincides with Year-End bonus', the END OF THE FISCAL YEAR. I get my bonus the 1st week of January, do I need to feel hypocritical? Is that still a Christmas bonus'.

I wonder if immigrants (legal or illegal) celebrate the 4th of July? Should they feel hypocritical?

Ah - you again. Where have you been? After posting that hostile, name-calling reply earlier on this thread, and claiming that there was no way I would reply to it - you vanished - until now. Interesting. Shocked Why back? Why no answers to my questions from your vile reply? Confused

I'd like to point out that my response to your post came only 1 day later than your response to my post.
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