Reply to dyslexia...(1) derail roe v wade (2) public pray...
Every freedom that is abolished is (at least in theory) also abolished for those who support the abolition of that particular freedom. Republicans "say" that they're anti-abortion at campaign time. But never, after gaining control of the presidency and congress, do they abolish or even seriously curtail it. If they did, they would abolish one of their very best "issues". Also, they have sons and daughters that are always subject to unwanted pregnancies. If the Republicans actually outlawed abortion they would shoot themselves in the foot twice: once professionally and again personally. Always listen to what is said, watch what is done, and then watch what happens. It's perfectly obvious that Republicans are very pro-abortion, couldn't care less about prayer in school and the anti-gay rhetoric...well, you figure it out. Republicans are just as liberal as Democrats, they just can't be liberal in public. But in emails, Mark Foley can be quite liberal:). And who knows what all kinds of "liberal hijinks" go on at Bohemian Grove and elsewhere the public isn't allowed. If you elect a Democrat, you get a Democrat. If you elect a Republican, you get a Democrat claiming to be a Republican. Republicans and Democrats are simply two sides of the same coin, and they "WILL ALWAYS BE" a parasite, perpetually sucking the life and wealth out of America until they are replaced with the only viable alternative: