cjhsa wrote:
NOTE to Elpus: As a freshman member of congress you don't snub the presidents invitation to a welcome meet and greet and the Whitehouse to go meet with thugs.
Is this not snubbing thing written into a rule book somewhere? Or is it just one of these unwritten rules, meant for people who set out from day one, with the sole intention of arse kissing their way up the political ladder.
It seems that he has drawn attention to himself, merely because he has bucked the trend.
Personally, I would be more worried about the seemingly sychophantic majority, who just go with the flow, and at the end of the day, just become another self serving bunch of "yes men".
cjhsa wrote:He's a Muslim Thug. Surprise!
Thug? Is there any evidence to support such a libellous claim? I don't see you stating this as merely your own personal opinion, so it would appear that you can prove this matter in some way.
Would you have the same apparent anymosity towards him if he were a Christian?
How would you feel towards him if he were a Muslim, but a staunch Republican?