Well, it is always nice to get a second opinion ..
We did find a doctor who not only had experience, but was willing to actually work on her if need be.
Ian takes her in to the doctor Wednesday morning.
This doctor he says was really nice, and he really enjoyed him and he talked to and with Jillian really well.
And he says that this doctor thinks the ER doctor was REALLLY high on something when he told us that her nose was actually separated..
uhh.. yeah. THATS what he said..
He showed Ian on the xrays where he could not only NOT see cartilage, but also explained how impossible it is to tell if it would be broken, or separated from the bone with a simple xray.
Not only that, if she had actually separated it completely, the tip of her nose would be black and blue and absolutely 'floppy'
The floppy piece that shows on her nose now, he said is more then likely a small tear , and just a swelling from the tear and not the result of an actual separation.
The force it would take to break that piece her nose off, would not be achieved by a simple jump onto the couch. And IF IT WAS, he says she would most surely have a broken nose bone as well.
He said that her cartilage is defiantly torn, but not broken.
That tear is a common injury in many people and heals on its own, with minimal change in nose structure. THe only big issue with a tear is that, if it happens close to the inside of the nasal passage, the scar tissue that would form in the tear could cause a small blockage in the nasal passage. Most people with that have absolutly no problems breathing, and hardly notice it on a regular basis.
He thinks Jillian MIGHT have that now.. but .. the swelling in her nose, and on the inside is just too fresh to be able to tell anything. It could very well just be a hematoma , and it might reabsorb itself with no issue.
But, a plastic surgeon can not fix that anyway..
And yet again, he started talking about the ER doc being weird..
Jillian would have to go to an ENT if there was a problem.
He said if in a few days the lump inside her nose is not gone, then it probally means she did damage her nose on the inside as well and not just on the bridge.
If in 2 weeks it is still there, an ENT would be a better bet to tell us what to do to help her.
my child will not survive to see 5.
she wont
she wont
and neither will I..