Thomas posted this graph on another thread. I think it is a good indication of where the contenders and potential contenders fall in regards to the 2008 Presidential race, as of now anyway. I'm curious how A2Kers would respond to the question posed. There are only three choices for each candidate, Good/Some Chance, No Opinion, No Chance
My response:
Giuiani - Good/Some Chance
McCain - Good/Some Chance
Clinton - No Chance
Rice - No Opinion
Gore - No Chance
Edwards - No Opinion
Kerry - No Chance
Obama - Good/Some Chance
Gingrich - No Chance
Biden - No Opinion - but I could be swayed toward the affirmative
Romney - No Opinion
Brownback - No Opinion
Hunter - No Opinion
I should qualify this by saying that my 'No Chance' responses assume that Pat Robertson or his ilk are not the alternative choice on the ballot. If such were the case, then all bets are off.