... that you're thankful for.
Okay, some background. I was working today, slaving away in my little cube, when a couple of guys with a video camera come to the department and start asking people what they're thankful for, in anticipation of an upcoming all-office meeting coming up, um, soon. I wasn't chosen to speak, perhaps I'm not cute enough, but no matter. Because everyone said the same thing,
family friends good health my home my job blah blah blah. Now, I'm as grateful as the next person for all of those things (even though I am close to the point of talking to my red Swingline stapler at work and expecting coherent responses), and I think most people are, but there was no spontanaeity whatsoever in anyone's replies. No creativity. No one went out on a limb. Safe question, safe answers. Dull, dull, dull.
I know what I would have said if I were asked. I am grateful for:
[1] dogs
[2] space travel
[3] ramen
[4] pagodas
[5] spandex
[6] Morgan Freeman
[7] 80s music
[8] alcohol
[9] Uzbekistan and, of course
[10] toothbrushes