The definition for 'spirits' makes sense... I still think it is an odd choice of words.
I used to live in Crosbyton Tx. About 45 minutes east of lubbock.
Lubbock county is a ( this might have changed in the last 10 years) dry county.
Dry county meaning no package liquor of any sort is sold in the city. I seem to recall that it included banning of wine as well.
On the outskirts, sometimes literally inches from the county line, there were TONS of liquor stores.
The strip , as it was called, looked like a mini vegas.
Big bright lights, jugglers sometimes, large driveways.. and it was all for selling alcohol.
These places would be so backed up with cars that sometimes it would spill over onto the highway from the offramp, all the way down the access road and stop traffic for close to an entire mile.
At that time, I do believe the city of Lubbock had an average amount of drunk driver accidents ( nothing like the high rate places like New Mexico have ) , and one of the highest alcohol tax in the state. If not the country.
Being a dry county only meant they could not sell package liquor, but you could buy a drink almost any where.
Vodka, or... spirits... hehe.. were on the menu at most restaurants.
I even remember a small coffee shop , wich i doubt is still open, who was offering alcohol in coffee... first thing in the morning..
My then husband, a real budding alcoholic at 21, would drive that 45 minutes from Crosbyton with his friend, after they had drank most of his friends fathers vodka, to go buy more beer, wine, what ever.
Part of the reason we did not stay together for very long I tell you what..
any way-
On this route to get alcohol , I was always expecting a check point. I came from New Mexico where they would set up check points ANYWHERE in Albuquerque at ANY TIME. I loved it.
And I thought this was normal everywhere.. but apparently it isn't.
If Lubbock and Crosby county ( the two counties the strip served...) had set up check points coming in and going out of the liquor stores, the city would have made a killing on DWI fines, and I
guarantee it would have made a huge difference in drunk driving accidents.
I personally think that things like what I used to call the drunk stops, ( check points) are the only thing that will make a difference with drunk drivers.
but i am going to get off my rambling post for right now.