Well, we have returned to a checks-and-balances form of government. What do you suppose will happen? I have no ideas. Hasn't it all already happened?
Nobody seems to agree as to how we get out of the Iraq "situation." How do we return to simple honesty, as in these big-business creeps. Seems it all started when their paychecks jumped rapidly into the millions. I do recall people saying, "Well, that's the only way you can get the best people." The best people?
Why are there so many crooks? Even people who come out to do something as simple as fix the drier, you get screwed. All the Homeowner Associations are nutso cheats, thieves, getting together behind our backs to get something only for themselves.
What on earth is wrong? Seems the better the economy the more greed, the more crooks are produced.
What, exactly, is a'changing?