Re: WHAT IS A GRANDPARENT? from an 8 yr old perspective
Mame wrote:Grandparents are a lady and a man who have no little children of her
own. They like other people's.
A grandfather is a man & a grandmother is a lady!
That usually seems to work for the best...
Mame wrote:Grandparents don't have to do anything except be there when we come to see them. They are so old they shouldn't play hard or run. It is good if they drive us to the store and have lots of quarters for us.
If they are as old as you say, then do you really want them to be driving? Sounds risky...
Mame wrote:When they take us for walks, they slow down past things like pretty
leaves and caterpillars.
They're moooooooooooving extra slow to pickup spare change that careless young folk have ever see how small the pension checks are for some of 'em? And what if they walk toooooooooooooo slowly? The caterpillars might become butterflies.
Mame wrote:They show us and talk to us about the color of the flowers and also Why
we shouldn't step on "cracks."
They do?
Mame wrote:They don't say, "Hurry up."
They don't? How about "hurry up and eat your sardines and lima bean sandwich so you can get the gosh awful taste out of your mouth with a big bowl of chocolate ice cream"
Mame wrote:Usually grandmothers are fat, but not too fat to tie your shoes.
Of course arthuritis keeps them from being able to tie the shoes too tight so you can kick them off when you get to the pond in the park
Mame wrote:They wear glasses and funny underwear.
I really don't know if I'm comfy-womfy with you knowing what their undergarments look like...
Mame wrote:They can take their teeth and gums out.
Their gums?
Mame wrote:Grandparents don't have to be smart.
But usually are. Or at least smart enough to live elsewhere so they can escape when things get too chaotic.
[quote="Mame"They have to answer questions like "why isn't God married?"[/quote] What happens if they're atheists?
Mame wrote:When they read to us, they don't skip.
That's good. Skipping and reading at the same time can be quite dangerous.
Mame wrote:Everybody should try to have a grandmother, especially if you don't
have television, because they are the only grown ups who like to spend time with us.
Not in my case. I hung out with many adults as a child. There was old Mrs. Leib, then there was Mr.McMurray and Mr.Johnson and of course Reverend Bill and then there were the Gisonda brothers and who can forget...(Essentially I talked to anybody and everybody...of course we also often had a television set.