Steve 41oo wrote:I'm against capital punishment for the following reasons
1. It means you sanction the taking of innocent life. No judicial system is or ever will be perfect. Therefore by voting for cp you are voting to execute innocent people wrongly convicted.
2. If murder is wrong then so is judicial murder.
3. The argument that it acts as a deterrent has been shown to be false. In fact criminals are more likely to kill witnesses.
4. Its expensive...prisoners often wait many years in gaol before final execution...whilst lawyers and others make a lot of money.
5. Its cruel. See 4. And barbaric...electric chair etc. And why should the dependents of the criminal be made to suffer? You only create more mouths for the state to feed. See 4 again.
6. It achieves nothing...not even which we mortals are not apparantly allowed anyway. See bible.
7. It abrogates the principle of reform. Thats what prison is supposed to do ...make bad men good. I know it doesnt do that but that is the fault of the prison system not a fault with the principle itself.
8. It reflects badly on countries which practice cp. (ok that is a subjective judgement...but no country to my knowledge that has abandoned cp has re introduced it... with the exception of the USA)
Thats all for for arguments in favour I honestly cant think of any.
Steve: Interesting points. I have a few comments.
1. I think that some would argue the "innocent" part of your argument. Agreed that no judicial system will ever be perfect, particularly with the personal agendas of politicians & lawmakers.
2. That is the big argument - in both directions. As with all of murder - certainly you would agree that there are varying degrees of "heinousness" and that seems to be an important point here.
3. I've read both ways on this subject.
4. The procedure is definitely flawed.
5. True. If termination is the only goal for CP - there could be more effective (humanitarily-speaking) methods utilized.
6. Not sure about this. In the literal-sense - there would be no way that a deceased person could kill again!
7. Agree.
8. Very subjective.
What do you think should happen to those who commit the heinous-crimes (that would otherwise allow for CP)?