Lash wrote:real life wrote:Lash wrote:real life wrote:Lash wrote:RL--
Stop approving killing. K?
I oppose abortion.
Do you?
How many are put to death due to capital punishment vs. how many are aborted each year?
Care to compare?
I oppose it too.
Care to wipe your face?
I just don't impose my decision not to have an abortion on other people.
all the killing, RL.
You can't straddle this fence Lash.

Why not? YOU ARE.
Not at all.
Your position is 'stop all killing', yet you support abortion.
My position is not 'stop all killing' . I am very much in favor of capital punishment.
You're gonna have to try harder than that , Lash.
Hope you're having a good morning.
Tico wrote:
Quote:Why do you suppose your moral code ceases to allow you to recognize the authority of the government to execute capital murderers? Why do you think it's moral to allow a ruthless, cold-blooded killer of defenseless innocents the right to live when he denied that right to his victims?
Primarily, it's because I recognize that no one has the ability to objectively judge the value of any person's life. This notion is rejected, weakened, ignored, or not even considered when capital punishment is declared legitimate by government authority. Conventional wisdom then says that, sometimes, a non-defensive act of killing is justifiable, which I believe must have a corrupting influence on society, as a whole.
echi, Have you ever been a soldier in war time?
How do you feel about the soldiers who fought during WWII, Korea, Vietnam, and now in Iraq?
cicerone imposter wrote:How do you feel about the soldiers who fought during WWII, Korea, Vietnam, and now in Iraq?
I have never served in the military.
I don't have any general opinion about people who fight in wars. Wars are probably just as complicated as the individuals who have to fight in them.
What is you feeling/thinking on their responsibility to kill?
Is the enemy have the same rights to life as the convicted murderer?
cicerone imposter wrote:Is the enemy have the same rights to life as the convicted murderer?
Not when he's firing rounds at my head.
Your life is more important then the family that lost a loved one through a violent act of a criminal?
cicerone imposter wrote:Your life is more important then the family that lost a loved one through a violent act of a criminal?
No, I don't think I would agree with that; I'm not sure I understand what you're asking. Is this related to your previous question?
Lash wrote:real life wrote:Lash wrote:real life wrote:Lash wrote:real life wrote:Lash wrote:RL--
Stop approving killing. K?
I oppose abortion.
Do you?
How many are put to death due to capital punishment vs. how many are aborted each year?
Care to compare?
I oppose it too.
Care to wipe your face?
I just don't impose my decision not to have an abortion on other people.
all the killing, RL.
You can't straddle this fence Lash.

Why not? YOU ARE.
Your position is 'stop all killing', yet you support abortion.
No, I don't.
Do you fit this definition?
One entry found for proabortion.
Main Entry: pro·abor·tion
Pronunciation: "prO-&-'bor-sh&n
Function: adjective
: favoring the legalization of abortion
I fit this definition:
A person who thinks abortion is killing a life and therefore chooses not to have an abortion.
and this one:
A person who knows CP is killing and thinks state sanctioned killing is wrong.
You favor legal abortion, correct?
Why does it embarrass you to use the word 'proabortion' ?
That's what you are.
Unfortunately for you, you don't get to define what or who I am.
If I was pro-abortion, I'd say so.
Why do you like to kill people, Real Death?
Lash wrote:Unfortunately for you, you don't get to define what or who I am.
If I was pro-abortion, I'd say so.
Why do you like to kill people, Real Death?
I've never killed anyone, Lash.
Where did you get that idea?
You like the criminals to go snap, crackle, pop, do you not?
You asked me why I liked to kill people.
I ask you again, where do you get the idea that I have killed anyone, Lash?
I never have.
You object to a dictionary definition being applied to you that precisely defines your position as 'proabortion', yet you accuse others of acts they have never committed, in an attempt to define them as 'killers'.
Your statements are completely illogical, but I suppose you're comfortable with that and will try to defend your statements. Very telling.
It's all killing - abortion, war, capital punishment - enough of these semantics! A death is not a death is not a death...
I've never been in the situation where I felt I had to have an abortion, so I don't know what I'd do, and I don't think anyone can say what they would do unless or until they're in that position... especially men. In the meantime, I have no judgement on it.
As to war - it's a hell of a different thing if you're bombing tiny villages from the air over a foreign country which has nothing to do with yours compared to hand-to-hand combat in your own town, on your own turf, attempting to defend what's yours.
And as to C.P. - are we talking about Maria who was beaten once too often by Martin and who finally stabbed him with the knife or Jeffrey Dahmer, the guy who systematically stalked, killed, then ate his victims? You all know how I feel about this.
Can we not agree to variations and nuances?
They do exist.
If an individual has the right of self defense, including killing a predatory criminal if need be to protect oneself, then why does society collectively not have the same right of self defense, subject to restrictions put in place by due process?