echi wrote:real life wrote:echi wrote:real life:
"The innocent shouldn't suffer the death penalty."
Do you accept that innocent people are sometimes put to death?
(I'm referring to CP, of course.)
Yes, and the innocent are sometimes imprisoned as well. But we don't argue for the abolition of prison on the basis of such mistakes.
What's your point? We're not discussing the abolition of prison.
Quote:Innocent people are shot and killed by police accidentally when a warrant is served on the wrong address, or the wrong car is pulled over and the driver panics.
But we don't argue for the abolition of warrants, or the abolition of police stops on the basis of these mistakes.
What is the relavence? We are not discussing the abolition of warrants or the abolition of police stops.
Quote:We demand , rightly so, that correct procedures be followed and proper safeguards in place.
God damn, that's an evil sounding sentence.
Quote:As long as you rely on humans to work in law enforcement, human errors will be made, however.
That's cold, man.
Cold? Me?
I'm telling you the truth. You can't handle the truth.
Police kill innocent people all the time by accident.
We don't call for an abolition of police forces. We recognize that a mistake was made and work on correcting it.
We don't throw the baby out with the bath water.
To say that capital punishment should be ended because mistakes have been made is misguided and will cause more problems than it solves.