Re: George Will Incredulous at Cheney's Disconnect
Sturgis wrote:snood wrote:I sincerely doubt it, but I wonder if what he says makes a dent in the almost clinical denial in which the the rightwing A2Kers seem to operate daily.
Oddly enough, I keep wondering almost the same thing with a difference. Will the left-wing whackadoodles ever stop moaning and groaning and finger pointing? Don't you all realize that eventually the finger bends and points back at you? George and company would not be in power if it weren't for all the time the lefties have wasted sadsacking about how they could have done a better job. If you whackafools think you can do such a terrific job, then why pray tell aren't you out there presenting your brilliant ideas instead of carping all the time? Do something or shut up.
The so-called party of responsibility cry like whiney tittie babies when pressured to produce. Oh, how much they gnash their teeth when called forth to stand and deliver. Why, its not ever their own fault, its that minority party that is responsible. Those evil bastards should not have let us do it.
The pure absurdity would be laughable but for its dead serious exposition of mental ill.
The next thing you'll attempt is to blame a backseat passenger for driving your truck into a ditch because he didn't wrest the wheel from you.
My oh my, its not the bone headed ideological posturing of the BUlsheviks that avoids the real world of objectivity, facts, and rationalism that let down the GOP, nope it was "Leftists, those aforementioned backseat passengers in this vehicle called representative democracy that let us down. So, according to yet another whiney tittie baby from the Right wing bat cave of Darkness, it was those evil Democrats who were not able to wrest from an elected democratic majority the power to implement their own policies and avoid the deathtraps of conservative ideology.
Maybe you don't watch c-span but close to daily Democrats stood on the floor of the House and Senate and fought like hell to stop those crazy-ass Republicans from destroying the legal traditions, honor and reputation of this country.
What has happened in Iraq, Afghanistan, Hurricane Katrina's aftermath, stem-cell research, immigration, balloning trade and budget deficits, the destruction of Middle Class America, a lack of national health care along with port and chemical plant security has been the fault of the GOP alone.