Halliburtin has built (via no-bid contracts) fourteen Huge permanent bases in Iraq. Why do you suppose they did that? I'm guessing it was not part of the Iraqi rebuilding effort.
No, I think those FOURTEEN HUGE BASES might, just might, have something to do with protecting oil. "But it's Iraqi oil", you say. Well, technically, yes, it is Iraqi oil, but when you have a carefully hand-picked group of Iraqis "in charge", it would not surprise anyone if, in their infinite wisdom, they decided to sign long term "legal" deals with Halliburton that would give Halliburton et al foothold in that area for decades.
As brilliant as this conjecture on my part may appear to be, alas, I cannot take credit for it.
Bush's Petro-Cartel Almost Has Iraq's Oil
"...both independent analysts and officials within Iraq's Oil Ministry
anticipate that when all is said and done, the big winners in Iraq will
be the Big Four -- the American firms Exxon-Mobile and Chevron, the
British BP-Amoco and Royal Dutch-Shell"
"Understanding how Big Oil came to this point, poised to take effective
control of the bulk of the country's reserves while they remain,
technically, in the hands of the Iraqi government -- a government with all
the trappings of sovereignty -- is to grasp the sometimes intricate dance
that is modern neocolonialism."
So when is all is said and done, there will definitely be "winners" in Iraq. It just wont be the Iraqi people or the American people. It will be ... SURPRISE !!! ... the big oil companies!
But hey, you keep getting all worked up over abortion and gay rights, ok? Because they really affect your life, unlike corporate greed, wars for oil, more and more tax cuts for the rich, fixed elections, job losses, degrading the constitution by spying on Americans without just cause, etc., etc., etc. You just go on and keep voting in all the same corporate greed mongers and war mongers (a.k.a. neocons, a.k.a. Republicans), because their agenda, which ignores and exploits the middle and poorer classes, hey that's the really MORAL agenda, don't you think? Ignore the poor. Exploit the middle. Health care? Jobs? Fuggettaboutit. Yep, sounds just like what Jesus would do. Raaaaght.
Who was it that said: "People get exactly the government they deserve."
Now do you understand why we went into Iraq? Mission Accomplished !