Sat 28 Oct, 2006 07:44 pm
My husbands family has juvenile diabetes in its history. My son has been displaying some of the symptoms. We borrowed my dad's tester(he has type 2) to check his sugar levels. He had a level of 6.8mmol in the morning. Now I know that that is a normal reading for someone who already has diabetes but is it still normal for someone who does not? Also would localized itching on the tummy be a sign of diabetes or would the itching be every where? If it isn't can you get allergic reactions that are just localized?
Why are you messing around with things you don't know enough about to make proper judgements about your son's health? Please bring hinm to his doctor immediately.
Re: questions about diabetes and allergies
What is this "6.8mmol" thing. I have diabetes, and monitor daily. I have no idea what kind of meter gives that kind of reading, which sounds like sn A1C measurement. Glucometers report mg/dcl of glucose.
I've never heard of itching as a symptom, though neuropathology can be a long term complication after years of extremely high blood sugar. It is definately not an early symptom.
Blame my ignorance, but both parts of the question are completly beyond any knowledge of my own.
I agree with littlek. Get your son to a doctor. Diabetes is not a do-it-yourself disease.
Look people there is no need to be rude! I know that diabetes is not a do it yourself disease. I have been dealing with my father's for some time now. The mmol is a canadian reading for testers. between 5 and 7 mmol is considered normal for someone who has already been diagnosed. I just wanted to know if that was the case for people who have not been diagnosed with diabetes. I have an appointment with a doctor but was curious if there was someone out there with the answer. So next time Little K don't jump to conclusion.
My conclusion would be the same no matter how much info you give me or say you know - go to the doctor and have your son checked out. And, I don't feel I was being rude at all. If you'd like me to become rude I will.