Suffering succotash, ain't you folks the giddy limit.
it was pronounced
"thuffering thuccotash" because poor old Sylvester had a lisp...
What a revoltin' development . . .
"And Jehosaphat despaired, for the priests of the Temple came forth and sayeth unto him, 'Suffering Succotash, O King, for the judgment of the Lord is nigh", and Jehosaphat, lifting his arms to the Heavens, cried "What a revoltin' development this is."
Lightning bolt scheduled anytime in the next five minutes.
Equus wrote:"And Jehosaphat despaired, for the priests of the Temple came forth and sayeth unto him, 'Suffering Succotash, O King, for the judgment of the Lord is nigh", and Jehosaphat, lifting his arms to the Heavens, cried "What a revoltin' development this is."
Lightning bolt scheduled anytime in the next five minutes.
I'd prefer a burning bush, she uttered gnomically....
adv. In a gnomic, didactic, or sententious manner.
Murgatroid is a surname.
I've heard it in reference to the Mormon Cricket, indigenous to Utah & Idaho.
Bear Claw
I vaguely remember something of the sort, too.
To all this hypothesizing and prosletizing, I can but reply with a great oath once encountered in a science fiction novel I read a few ice ages ago: "Jesus H. Particular Christ on a jet-propelled pogo stick!"
- Dennis L. Crabtree