I'd say it was a Freudian pettycoat.
BTW, you should state in bold capital red letters that there is a spoiler in your entry -- you've given away the ending!
(Although in "The English Patient" they die -- should figure it out pretty quickly).
Sorry if I've ruined the ending for anyone. But I REALLY need for you to see the movie through the lense of MY bias.
Just write *SPOILER AHEAD* for anyone who would rather not know.
I've lapsed before myself and revealed plot points that should have been tagged.
Good idea. Hope I remember.
You'd better or will order up a gust of wind to blow those pettycoats sky high!
Has anyone seen "Monster" ?
Charleze Theiron gives the performance of a lifetime.
So I've heard. And she put on lots of pounds to shed the movie star look. It's a top priority for us. Thanks
"In America" is also excellent.
"In America" should have been nominated for an Oscar. As good as "Seabisquit" and "Master and Commander" are, they are not better movies.
LW, I can't see that the movie Swimming Pool has been discussed on this thread. Did any of you see this thoroughly entertaining mystery? It's another one of those movies that leaves you wondering what happened. Except that you have the feeling that you ought to be able to put it all together if only you could see it again.
We watched it last night and will rent it again soon for a second look.
You could likely find the Ebert review on the site's search and I remember it as one that was recommended. I will check it out (have dropped out of NetFlix temporarily but plan to resubscribe in the Spring).
Pretty good reviews and I do always enjoy a good thriller/mystery.
This year Ebert handed out more three and four star ratings than I've seen in many years. Notably missing from his top ten, however, is "The Return of the King." As we always expect him not to agree with the Golden Globes and the Oscar, he placed "Monster" as the best film of 2004. An electribying performance by Charise Theron but even more of a downer than "The House of Sand and Fog" which is also honored for it's actors in the nominations.
I've yet to see Monster. It must be absolutely wonderful if it beat out Mystic River which is my favorite for many a year. I can't remember a picture as good since On The Waterfront. But then my memory is not what it used to be.
This has got to be one of the first times Ebert has referred over to another critic in his review of "The Passion of the Christ" and a dissenting review by David Ansen for Newsweek at that. Click the links at the bottom of the review for more alternative views on this controversial film.
Ebert gives David Mamet's new film ("House of Games" and "Glengarry Glenn Ross") an excellent review. I am anxious to make it to my local cineplex to catch what looks like another enthralling concoction with Mamet's usual superior storytelling.
We just rented Matchstick Men. What a great film. There is not a bad performance in the whole thing. I think it may replace The Grifters as my favorite con movie.