walter : you still haven't planted that christmas tree

, your mother will be disappointed when she finds out !
these trees - four of them - were planted by us about forty years ago , looks like they've outgrown the pot !
a quick walk through the garden , after the rain stopped and before the thundershowers are rolling in
now here is my pride and joy !
in about another month i should be able to pick some tomatoes for breakfast .
every spring for the last several years we've been telling ourselves :
we will no longer plant vegetables !!!
but when the soil warms up in about mid-may ...

we can't resist getting our hands dirty .
mrs h told me to definetely NOT plant any snow-peas - i had already bought some seeds that were sitting in the shed - and what did i see popping up the other day ?
mrs h said that she thought she just didn't want the seeds go to waste !!!