jonquils in early winter
Morandia early winter
morandia not sure what the proper name for this is
Does Wisteria attract a great number of bees?
I love the stuff but, bees- I'd rather they weren't "hanging around" you know?
roses already- how nice! I actually saw some nice ones while out browsing the garden centers but - whew. expensive. So, I'll just wait for mine to bloom later - and enjoy the pics you all share.
littlek-cuz I put them on your site and couldnt get the full size to work. sigh. Besides- they arent fabulous and dont show a great deal - hoping for sun this week/weekend to try to get some more shots to share.
dadpad- that purple flowery viney bush thing is great! Lovely even.
our spirea hedge is in full bloom . we have about 250 feet of hedge and the bees and bumble-bees are having a feast . they seem to be busy getting all the nectar they need and are not bothering us .
greatest problem seem to be wasps in the fall when they get dopey . they will settle on anything and i'll stay away from them .
I just came in from the garden where I noticed 4 of my tomato plants are bearing fruit. the Yellow Roma (for Osso to cook with) the Sweet 100 (for my summer candy) the Better Boy for all around eating pleasure and the Rudgers heirloom. It's going to be a yummy summer.
dyslexia wrote:I just came in from the garden where I noticed 4 of my tomato plants are bearing fruit. the Yellow Roma (for Osso to cook with) the Sweet 100 (for my summer candy) the Better Boy for all around eating pleasure and the Rudgers heirloom. It's going to be a yummy summer.
Mine are too! I've got Sweet 100, Better Boy and one more of which escapes me at the moment. Got them swathed in netting to keep the squirrels out. Maybe I'll take a picture...
My flower garden this year isn't as exciting as years previous. I plant annuals in pots and this year, I just wasn't prompted to buy as much so the area looks kinda skimpy to me. Haven't quite figured it out, the missing link, but something wasn't clicking for me this season. I didn't do any mail order this year and that may be what's missing but I didn't do any last year either and the garden was gorgeous all the same. Did anyone else notice a lack of interesting annuals this year? It's all becoming so generic, it seems. Just tons of those wave petunias.
Aw, tomatoes! I do wish I had the sun for 'em.
The astilbe has bloomed and I really like it, I think I'll be planting a bunch more. My container gardens are all doing well: one with astilbe + white impatiens; one with varieties of pink impatiens sunk into the old stone fireplace thing in the backyard, so all you see is the impatiens coming out of the ivy; two with begonias, potato vine, and asparagus fern; three with just begonias; and then the petunias (doing the busting out all over thing pretty well!)
My oakleaf hydrangea that I planted last year is already starting to bloom, earlier than I expected but I'm seeing them doing that all around the neighborhood so it's not just mine. It's looking really good in its spot (between mopheads and a conifer), I'm really happy with it, thanks again for advice given here!
Toad lilies are coming along, a caterpillar was eating 'em but I found him and seems better since. Might be some blight, too, hope they're not too delicate.
I had a couple of hanging baskets with impatiens on the porch, some pest got 'em and they're hopeless, I'll empty them out and replace with asparagus fern again, that stuff seems indestructable.
Tiger lilies are starting!
I'll try to get some pics.
Dys, it looks like I will actually have tomatoes this year. My three plants in pots are loaded with greenies. I gave up on growing strawberries. My best success is still growing weeds.
So far I can find only one recipe for yellow Roma tomatoes, dys, and it's pretty complicated. And it calls for cilantro.. heh.,2760,FINE_23716_4131368,00.html
Anyone ever tasted a yellow Roma tomato?
Glad you like the astilbes, Sozobe!
Says here they are less flavorful than red romas and somewhat mealy...
hmmm. Maybe a slow cooked sauce..
eastern lake ontario :
overcast today , around 20 C , overnight rain in the forecast.
the garden is doing well , particularly the pink and red weigelias and the spirea hedge are a riot of colours .
the bees are having a good time collecting nectar - there must be thousands of them in the spirea hedge which encircels our lot .
Today it was peaceful in my garden...
Great picture, Francis!
Well, I thought it was nice shooting the bugs...
Really, an excellent good shot Francis!
No bugs here, only a song thrush singing in dawn my evening song outside my window, 20 yards away, 10 yards higher, on one of the fir trees in our garden :wink:

(photo taken less than two hours ago)
A cute singing bird!
Nice, Walter.
The Albuquerque high desert actually had some rain last night. It was wonderful. I was so inspired that I pulled some weeds from the softened ground in my front yard. Oh, my aching back!
One of these days (a phrase I detest) I'll learn to post pictures here.
I am living in a temporary home.....will stay if my lease is renewed.
I have a yard ~ which I am very proud of. It's only forty by fifteen feet. But, I've had it sodded with St. Augustine grass and have lots of potted plants on my patio (same size).
The plants that do the best in this climate ~ perriwinkles (white and purple), geraniums (red, pink and white), and on the advice of my Dad, a five dollar rose bush (from Walmart) which I have transplanted into a pot twice its size. I picked a plant with lots of buds, and have since cut them to enjoy on my desk as well as promote growth for the plant. It appears to be happy!
Should I move ~ which seems inevitable ~ I am more worried about the rose bush than anything.
Any advice on moving a rose bush not in the ground?
Get someone to help you load the pot in your vehicle and unload it at your new digs. Works every time.
I can't dig in the ground so most of my planting is done in pots. Not the easiest way, but at least I can have flowering plants---even tomatoes. Last years, my tomato plants pooped out on me. I wouldn't have had any garden tomatoes if Dyslexia hadn't brought me bowls full from his garden several times during the summer. This year, I have three tomato plants in pots that are doing well. This morning, I discovered one tomato that is starting to turn red.
I gave up trying to grow strawberries in pots. Too lazy.