K- I dropped the film off tonight- hopefully some pix this weekend
You can still visit your lovely little garden, yes??

You did great work back there- nice little place. I didnt realize the Magnolias were there....now I know! And you have a new garden so - thats nice. (hope all is goin well BTW)
My roses arent bloomed yet either---but, they are late bloomers and were cut way back this year cuz when I got here in Late August the 5 blooms were just too little for such a lovely antique rose so, we'll see by the end of this summer how it goes.
I picked up a lovely honeysuckle last weekend and I'm hoping it will wrap up around the wild laundry pipe thingys on the patio. Anything would help actually.
Does anyone know how long it takes for gladiolous to bloom? I feel like I've been looking at the greens for weeks on end here and just wondering really.