realjohnboy wrote:Tell me this, please. If Dems voted in the Repub primary, as was suggested, why wouldn't they vote for the "rabid conservative" in order to polarize the race?
Chafee, knowing and openly acknowledging that he wouldnt win a vote among only RI Republicans, openly and proactively targeted Independents and even Democrats in his campaign, encouraging moderates of every hue to help his cause.
I'm sure there were Democrats who, acting on the "politics is local" thing, simply thought - here's a nice guy, I like him - will help him. I think the strategic thinking stuff - like, if I help the radical guy in their race that will strategically benefit my party's candidate in the end - thats only the active, conscious partisans who think like that, act on it. But theres plenty of people who registered as Democrats simply because thats the closest to home, but dont act primarily on partisan interest, and might instead well act simply on likes/dislikes - like, sure, I'll help the nice guy out. Fewer than normally, I'll grant ebrown that, but I'm sure they're still there.
I'm sure there are also still Democrats who sincerely want the threatened species of traditional, socially liberal, Northeastern Republicans to survive, even knowing that it might be strategically disadvantageous for the Dems in the short term, but because they think its just better for the country in the long term.