timberlandko wrote:TuhRAYza's millions are in no jeopardy; Kerry bravely and gallantly has established for himself a public donation defense fund. Interesting as well is that all of the lawsuits filed against the Swiftboat and Stolen Honor vets on behalf of Kerry and/or his failed '04 Presidential Campaign have been withdrawn or dismissed, a circumstance which does not bode ill for this action against the Kerry camp.
I don't think the swift boat people care that Kerry has withdrawn his lawsuits, they want the record set straight.
This country has a proud military tradition and John Kerry is a very large thorn in it's side.
Sometimes it only takes a few to give the whole bunch a bad name.
Maybe it is time that these people that Kerry accuses of burning down villages etc... (against US military protocol) should face justice.
Was Kerry a perpetrator? Was this his guilty conscience speaking?
We don't know... Maybe it is time to open that can of worms and take a look inside. I think it will be a good experience for this current war we are in and it may teach the American people that we do and always have had an outstanding military force in this country.
These few words of John Kerry brought and entire military home in disgrace. They deserve vindication or the truth should come out..
What really is North Korea's problem?
President Bush admits there are mistakes we have made in the war on terror.
If we are going to have any more wars let's hope we can do it without these errors in judgement.
Mistakes like, oops we killed the wrong enemy.