Osso, just kidding, of course. I just now looked up David Maisel on Found a piece entitled "9825-2". It is on a subtle incline (diagonal) with wonderfully subtle colors and beautiful texture. Was that one of the works you saw in Harper's?
Yes, and while you were posting I was too, and gave a link for that one piece.
Diagonals lead the eye in and out of the picture plane from the corners. Maybe that's a bias (sic) for corners (sic). It's an old cubist visual artifice and Giotto seem to always paint with an orientation to the corners of the picture plane rather than the edges. It's not just compositional because there is a linear favoring the corners in the painting technique (sometimes showing up in the brushstrokes). It hasn't anything to do with painting oneself into a corner.
LW, while that was not a pun, it shows that you are a punster. It WAS very puny.
More of a double entendre. Except it has no risque meaning. But then, I really didn't want to slant it that way.
The talk about diagonals has turned out not to be tangential!

Definitely off on a tangent! It makes one try to ramp up the rhetoric.
That'll be a new twist to art commentary.

Let us not torque any madas here. Or keep all the madas in a corner.
All this torque about corners! My, my. I don't if this is the time for any of us to take sides. BTW, what's a mada with you, ossobucco?
LW, I'm enjoying your humour.

Thanks, but I could be on a sliuppery slope here.
I did buy two of the prints.
LW, I've always understood that buying art for investment is the worst thing anybody can do. You buy it for your own enjoyment. My problem is wall space has become scarce in our house.

I confess I am speculating on this purchase -- with the idea of selling one in the future. With my connections, I'm buying extremely low. Don't try this at home.
LW, The motto, buy low and sell high, also applies to more than just stocks.

C.I., there's nothing the mada with that.
Nada is the mada, Glight!
Todo esta bien. Nada esta quemado. (shame I can't say quemada).
Kanichiwa for all your comments (especially the ones that made me laugh).