It is evident you are desperate to not be seen as having "lost" an argument to Brandon.
Setanta wrote:For those who are a little slow on the uptake (which seems to be predominantly the right wing), Security Council Resolution 1441 was the best which the Shrub and Company could wangle out of the United Nations when they attempted to get that body to threaten Iraq. It does not, in and of itself, constitute evidence of a history of empty threats by the United Nations against Iraq in the twelve year period 1991-2003. Brandon's initial post contended that that the Shurb acted, and i quote: "After years and years of empty threats and ultimatum's by the UN to Saddam Hussein . . ."
It seems you are focusing on the word "history" in order for you to parse out some distinction that will allow you to continue to insist you are correct. (After all, repeatedly warning Iraq that it will face "serious consequences" as a result of its continued violations of its obligations need not
automatically constitute a "history" of making empty threats, right?)
Quote:SCR 1441, engineered by the Shrub and Company and failed of its objective, does not constitute evidence to support Brandon's allegation.
The only way it doesn't is if:
(1) you insist that "repeatedly warning Iraq that it will face serious consequences" do not constitute "threats,"
(2) you believe the threats it refers to therein to NOT be "empty," or
(3) you assert the Security Council is lying when it claims it has repeatedly made such threats. Please advise which of these you believe to be the case.
Quote:For those who are equally slow on the uptake with nuances of language, claiming that the United Nations Security Council "threatened" to convene and think about it was an exercise in sarcasm.
And a wonderful example of sarcasm it was, Set. But as sarcastic as you were trying to be, you cannot evade the fact that the Security Council's threat
was as empty as you sarcastically phrased it. We ought to all be able to agree that UN threats are full of sound and fury, signifying nothing. They are "empty," because the UN is a paper tiger, nothing more. And issuing empty threats is what the UN seems to do best. And it has a history of doing so, whether you are going to be honest enough to admit it or not -- and I'm betting not.