Brandon9000 wrote:Setanta wrote:...At no time in that 12 years did the UN threaten Iraq...
Quote:...By the unanimous adoption of resolution 1441 (2002), the Council instructed the resumed inspections to begin within 45 days, and also decided it would convene immediately upon the receipt of any reports from inspection authorities that Iraq was interfering with their activities. It recalled, in that context, that the Council had repeatedly warned Iraq that it would face "serious consequences" as a result of continued violations....
The serious consequences to which you refer do not specify the nature of said serious consequences. What do you allege the threat to be, Brandon?
Here ya go, Brandon, i'll make it easy for ya--this is paragraph 12 in the list of actions decided upon by the Security Council in SCR 1441:
Decides to convene immediately upon receipt of a report in accordance with paragraphs 4 or 11 above, in order to consider the situation and the need for full compliance with all of the relevant Council resolutions in order to secure international peace and security;
They go on in the final two paragraphs to recall and decide the following:
Recalls, in that context, taht the Council has repeatedly warned Iraq that it will face serious consequences as a result of its continued violations of its obligations;
Decides to remain seized of the matter.
So Brandon, the UN threatened to convene the Security Council and "think about it" if Iraq did not comply. However, as Candidone has pointed out, Iraq
was complying with the inspections regime at the time of the invasion.