Any serious Christians left?

Reply Wed 1 Nov, 2006 08:11 am
My biggest issue is that it seems that those who state "I'm not trying to force my religious beliefs on anyone else, why can we live and let live?" are the same people who ARE taking away the rights of others and forcing their beliefs onto others.

Stop saying that people are free to do what they want, then behind the scenes voting to take away the freecoms.

Stop saying that you are not forcing your beliefs on anyone, then behind the scene voting to force your beliefs on everyone.

Do what you want, just be honest about it.
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Doktor S
Reply Wed 1 Nov, 2006 08:16 am
Intrepid wrote:
Doktor S wrote:
Intrepid wrote:
From the very same people who insist that they live in the land of the free. Free as long as you agree with them, I suppose.

How about free to fight against the type of oppression the 'moral majority' represents?

How about the type of oppression you are representing? It seems it depends on whose bull is being gored.

Is that one of those 'I'm-rubber you're glue' or 'I know you are but what am I" arguments?
I am humbled by your greatness!!!

The 'moral majority' ACTIVELY campaigns to remove rights now held and change the science curriculum to include non-science. What sort of 'oppression' am I representing again? Personal liberty? I must have forgotten.
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Reply Wed 1 Nov, 2006 09:04 am
Has religion been removed from American schools as it has in Canada? Do schools insist that NO religion be part of the school. Yet, halloween is actively part of the curriculum and forced on children whose religious beliefs prevent them from participating?
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Reply Wed 1 Nov, 2006 09:24 am
I['m sure Intrepid fails to see the irony there.
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Doktor S
Reply Wed 1 Nov, 2006 09:52 am
Intrepid wrote:
Has religion been removed from American schools as it has in Canada? Do schools insist that NO religion be part of the school. Yet, halloween is actively part of the curriculum and forced on children whose religious beliefs prevent them from participating?

I am old enough to remember religion being 'forced' in Canadian schools. I still remember being sent home for finally refusing to stand up and pay homage to an invisible man via the 'lords prayer'. I got suspended for a week. I was 10.
I really don't remember halloween being 'forced' on me at any time during my childhood, or any other time for that matter. I assume by 'part of the curriculum' you refer to arts/crafts usually taken part in by elementary level students around halloween? If so, you must acknowledge the same sort of 'curriculum' extends to xmas.
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cicerone imposter
Reply Wed 1 Nov, 2006 10:01 am
For people who do not know; christmas is practiced, big time, in Japan, a primarily buddhist/shintoist country.
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Doktor S
Reply Wed 1 Nov, 2006 10:33 am
cicerone imposter wrote:
For people who do not know; christmas is practiced, big time, in Japan, a primarily buddhist/shintoist country.

You know who else practices in japan?
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Reply Wed 1 Nov, 2006 10:38 am
snood wrote:
I can't figure it - near as I can tell, some people just like to bust on Arella.

Please try to separate "busting on Arella", from busting on Arella's positions.

In case you have not noticed there is a very conspicuous lack of support for her positions on this thread from the usual cheer leading crowd.
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Reply Wed 1 Nov, 2006 10:43 am
Doktor S wrote:
Intrepid wrote:
Has religion been removed from American schools as it has in Canada? Do schools insist that NO religion be part of the school. Yet, halloween is actively part of the curriculum and forced on children whose religious beliefs prevent them from participating?

I am old enough to remember religion being 'forced' in Canadian schools. I still remember being sent home for finally refusing to stand up and pay homage to an invisible man via the 'lords prayer'. I got suspended for a week. I was 10.
I really don't remember halloween being 'forced' on me at any time during my childhood, or any other time for that matter. I assume by 'part of the curriculum' you refer to arts/crafts usually taken part in by elementary level students around halloween? If so, you must acknowledge the same sort of 'curriculum' extends to xmas.

I am not talking about when you were 10 years old. I am talking about now.

I do not believe that you would be sent home for not saying the Lord's prayer in school. If that is, in fact, true then it would have been a very rare exception as it was never "forced" in all my years in school.

I am talking about children being told to wear costumes to school; making witches etc. Again, I am talking now.

The schools don't even mention Christmas. They call it Winter Festival and the like. There is nothing about Christ in any of the activites, crafts, plays etc.

I fail to see any similarity.
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Reply Wed 1 Nov, 2006 10:45 am
timberlandko wrote:
I['m sure Intrepid fails to see the irony there.

You are, I am assuming, referring to the Christian religion when you refer to my remarks.

Just to clarify..... I am talking about ANY religion. I know for a fact that many children were kept home from the local school yesterday because of the halloween activities at the school. They were from many different religions and denominations and came from many different countries.
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Reply Wed 1 Nov, 2006 10:50 am
No, Intrepid, I was referring to the irony you inflicted on yourself by your remarks - irony your response just now serves to compound.
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Reply Wed 1 Nov, 2006 10:51 am
Somehow the irony got lost because I missed it. Crying or Very sad

I would only like to see some equality.
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Reply Wed 1 Nov, 2006 10:52 am
Obviously - and unsurprisingly.
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Reply Wed 1 Nov, 2006 11:53 am
Arella Mae wrote:
Maybe I don't understand because I thought I did answer your question. Which question specifically are you asking about? I'm a bit lost here......

The Question:

Since there seems to be no evidence for casino gambling causing an increase in crime (when population increases are also considered), why do you support making it illegal?

Maybe you're not sure exactly why you think it's wrong. I can accept that.
Maybe you know exactly why, but you prefer not to say. I guess I could accept that, too.
(At this point, I am mainly concerned with my own ability to form a clear question.)
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Arella Mae
Reply Wed 1 Nov, 2006 02:23 pm
maporsche wrote:
My biggest issue is that it seems that those who state "I'm not trying to force my religious beliefs on anyone else, why can we live and let live?" are the same people who ARE taking away the rights of others and forcing their beliefs onto others.

Stop saying that people are free to do what they want, then behind the scenes voting to take away the freecoms.

Stop saying that you are not forcing your beliefs on anyone, then behind the scene voting to force your beliefs on everyone.

Do what you want, just be honest about it.

If I DO NOT consider you voting YOUR CONSCIENCE imposing YOUR BELIEFS ON ME, why would I consider voting my conscience imposing my beliefs on you? I've never said YOU OR OTHERS were imposing your beliefs (non-beliefs) on me. All I have said is couldn't it be considered the same? That is, if we follow your line of thinking? (Caps for emphasis only.)
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Reply Wed 1 Nov, 2006 02:32 pm
ArellaMae wrote:
If I DO NOT consider you voting YOUR CONSCIENCE imposing YOUR BELIEFS ON ME, why would I consider voting my conscience imposing my beliefs on you? I've never said YOU OR OTHERS were imposing your beliefs (non-beliefs) on me. All I have said is couldn't it be considered the same? That is, if we follow your line of thinking? (Caps for emphasis only.)

How would allowing gays to marry, women having abortions, and gambling being allowed imposing someone else's beliefs on YOU, since you are not forced to do any of those things personally?

If you vote against these issues, you are depriving someone else the right to live as they see fit. By denying those people their rights, you are imposing YOUR beliefs on others.

Can't you see the difference?
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Arella Mae
Reply Wed 1 Nov, 2006 02:37 pm
[quote="mesquite"][quote="snood"]I can't figure it - near as I can tell, some people just like to bust on Arella.[/quote]

Please try to separate "busting on Arella", from busting on Arella's positions.

In case you have not noticed there is a very conspicuous lack of support for her positions on this thread from the usual cheer leading crowd.[/quote]

And just what does "lack of support for her positions on this thread....." have to do with anything? It doesn't as far as I'm concerned.

It appears that perhaps you are taking that "lack of support" as evidence you are right? Hmmm..........that's interesting Mesquite. We've had many conversations and I'm not POSITIVE about this but haven't you said something to me before about if "X number of people believe a stupid thing it's still a stupid thing?" Now, I am almost positive I do know one person that definitely has said that to me, but I am assuming, in this situation (and please correct me if I am wrong) that you would say that even if "x believe......................it's still a stupid thing?

It doesn't bother me in the least whether you, my friends, my husband, anyone agrees with me or not on this issue, Mesquite. The fact is, I am not doing a single thing wrong according to the constitution of the United States of America and you and others have yet to provide any evidence that I am. All I have gotten from you and others is "your opinions". Now, I am constantly asked for "proof, evidence, etc." to back up my claims. So, unless you can tell me where it says I CAN or CANNOT or I MUST or MUST NOT use any certain thing in deciding my vote then I'm not changing my view NOR MY VOTE! So give me the evidence and the discussion will be forever ended as far as I'm concerned.

If you could show me where it says those words, I would change my view and quite possibly my vote. Until then, that's my right and I'm not giving it up for anyone else whether you or others think I'm taking away anyone's rights or not. As I said, I consider yours and others berating me for my views on this is tantamount to trying to take away MY rights as an American citizen. I highly suspect that at least some of you would like to make it a law that religious views could not be considered when voting so yeah, I take it that some of you actually would like to remove that right from me. Now, can you be honest about that?

And for those that can't see my point...................don't know what to tell you.
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Arella Mae
Reply Wed 1 Nov, 2006 02:40 pm
Phoenix32890 wrote:
ArellaMae wrote:
If I DO NOT consider you voting YOUR CONSCIENCE imposing YOUR BELIEFS ON ME, why would I consider voting my conscience imposing my beliefs on you? I've never said YOU OR OTHERS were imposing your beliefs (non-beliefs) on me. All I have said is couldn't it be considered the same? That is, if we follow your line of thinking? (Caps for emphasis only.)

How would allowing gays to marry, women having abortions, and gambling being allowed imposing someone else's beliefs on YOU, since you are not forced to do any of those things personally?

If you vote against these issues, you are depriving someone else the right to live as they see fit. By denying those people their rights, you are imposing YOUR beliefs on others.

Can't you see the difference?

We have had this discussion before. I told you that yes, I can see how you believe that and come to that conclusion and yes, in a sense I can even see how I might be denying a right. I have never denied that. However, if these things are not legal and are put on the ballot to be legal those RIGHTS aren't there in the first place FOR ANYONE so how can I take away something they don't even have?

Do you see the difference?
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Arella Mae
Reply Wed 1 Nov, 2006 02:49 pm
echi wrote:
Arella Mae wrote:
Maybe I don't understand because I thought I did answer your question. Which question specifically are you asking about? I'm a bit lost here......

The Question:

Since there seems to be no evidence for casino gambling causing an increase in crime (when population increases are also considered), why do you support making it illegal?

According to SOME sources this may be the case. According to OTHER sources it isn't. You want more links on gambling related crimess? Must we have an internet link war here? From what I have read, etc., in my opinion, gambling can cause an increase in the crime rate.

If you disagree with that and agree with the SOME that disagree then that's what you believe about this.

Maybe you're not sure exactly why you think it's wrong. I can accept that.

Echi, I am a 50 year old woman for pete's sake! I'm not some stupid child who cannot make up their mind about things. I have told you, I believe gambling is wrong in God's eyes. I think gambling can cause an increase in the crime rate. Gambling can tear apart people's lives because so many get addicted and cannot control it. They lose their jobs, their homes, their families, they commit suicide, etc.

Maybe you know exactly why, but you prefer not to say. I guess I could accept that, too.

I just gave you some of the reasons.

(At this point, I am mainly concerned with my own ability to form a clear question.)

It's not your ability to form a clear question that caused me to misunderstand Echi. I think it's more of a matter of you just don't accept my answers because they don't "meet your standards"?
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Reply Wed 1 Nov, 2006 03:01 pm
ArellaMae wrote:
We have had this discussion before. I told you that yes, I can see how you believe that and come to that conclusion and yes, in a sense I can even see how I might be denying a right. I have never denied that. However, if these things are not legal and are put on the ballot to be legal those RIGHTS aren't there in the first place FOR ANYONE so how can I take away something they don't even have?

Do you see the difference?

Yes, I can see the difference, in the case of gay marriage, which has not yet been deemed legal in many cases. Arella Mae, not so long ago it was illegal for black and white people to marry in your part of the country. For many years the religious groups in the area vigorously supported that concept. The whole concept was considered anathema to the "good" folks who supported that law, which was considered as coming from god. Here is a perfect example of where religion had an the effect of denying rights to people.

I am not sure about the gambling issue, as I am unclear as to the legal status before the bill was put before the voters. (Actually, I really did not pay too much attention to it, as I don't consider it a major issue It was the concept that I considered important).

As far as abortions are concerned, they are legal according to the law of the land. There are many radical Christians, who would attempt to chip away at a woman's right to the self determination of her own body. I consider any attempt to do away with even a small part of Roe vs. Wade as an action whereby a small portion of the population, because of their religious beliefs, are attempting to abrogate a legal reproductive right.
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