Any serious Christians left?

Reply Sun 29 Oct, 2006 06:29 pm
United States General Accounting Office: Impact of Gambling - Economic Effects More Measurable Than Social Effects (Note: 72 page .pdf download)

Multi-year study with data drawn from FBI national crime statistics, various official state and local crime statistics, the Internal Revenue Service, the Small Business Administration, the National Institute of Health, the Department of the Census, the Department of Health and Human Services, the Department of Education, and an assortment of peer-reviewed, published academic studies and articles, among other sources. The upshot of the report is that while nationwide there was no discernable statiscally significant correlation between crime rate and the presence of casinos in communities, communities with casinos to a statistically significant extent had lower unemployment, higher average earnings and standard of living (including healthcare), lower suicide and bankruptcy rates, and overal more robust economic, infrastructure (including both public education and public safety assetts and personnel), and population growth than had otherwise essentially similar communities distant from and/or without casinos.
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Reply Sun 29 Oct, 2006 06:32 pm
I visit a casino about two times, each year. Have yet to witness anybody being ugly to anybody else there.
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Reply Sun 29 Oct, 2006 06:35 pm
edgarblythe wrote:
I visit a casino about two times, each year. Have yet to witness anybody being ugly to anybody else there.

Mebbe that's cuz casinos got bouncers ... or mebbe its cuz biblethumpers ain't frequent casino patrons. Mebbe its some of both.
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Reply Sun 29 Oct, 2006 06:37 pm
Maybe it's because we are there to have a good time, not cause trouble.
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Reply Sun 29 Oct, 2006 06:39 pm
I enjoy the poker tables, 3 or 4 times a year.
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Reply Sun 29 Oct, 2006 06:40 pm
The casino in Niagara Falls, Ontario draws thousands of U.S. citizens with money to burn. We wish to thank you very much. You leave much, much more than you take home with you.

Those who enter do so of their own free will. Some ruin their lives and the lives of their families with their gambling. Some just have some fun and lose a couple buck or win a few.

Casino buses are lined up in the local malls of several surrounding cities to pickup our senior citizens for a day out at the casino. Gives them something to do between church services.
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Arella Mae
Reply Sun 29 Oct, 2006 06:43 pm
echi wrote:
Oh, cool off, already. We're just having a conversation. It isn't like I'm all up in your face, or anything.

Well, if you would just pay attention to what I am saying, Echi. I am talking LEGAL here. I thought I pointed that out. Now, as far as the casinos go, gambling is illegal here unless it is in a casino and that's because they are on riverboats. I'd have to find the law itself but that's the gist of it. So, a way was found around the law so that people could gamble if they so chose to do. That's fine! That is the law. It's legal! I voted no, but big deal! They get to gamble. That's how the vote works.

Well, yeah. . . of course I require proof. I would have thought that you'd already found your proof before you made up your mind to exercise your legal right to restrict other people's freedoms. I mean, that's a pretty heavy thing to do without even having any kind of evidence, don't you think?

I did not see this post Echi. I apologize. I completely skipped the rest of this page but I will find you some proof.

I promise I am not seeking to remove your rights, neither am I questioning your right to vote any way you so choose. I have no issue with that, whatsoever. I am simply calling into question the reasoning that you use to form your opinions, your wants. (This is just a friendly chat, we're not in a court.)

What I want to know is why? Am I questioning you on why you would vote a certain way? Have I even asked you how you would vote on something? Nope. Because it's personal. Now, yes, we are having a discussion and I don't mind that one bit. But, I think you might think a bit about this. How and why someone votes is their business. There is nothing to legislate that, Echi. Again, I am speaking from a legal standpoint here. Laughing

I agree. That is, ultimately, subjective. But objectivity should (I hope) still play a major role in determining how one decides to vote. It is supposedly a serious matter, after all.

I never said it didn't have a role in it, did I? I just don't question your reason for how and why you vote because that is your right and to question it to the point of even implying you are wrong, in my opinion, seems like I'm trying to take that right away from you.


Of course I agree! I didn't say it was right. I just said it was MY right. Geesh! Razz

Now. . . You said you could find me some proof??

I'm on it. :wink:
0 Replies
Reply Sun 29 Oct, 2006 06:44 pm
dyslexia wrote:
I enjoy the poker tables, 3 or 4 times a year.

He meant "a day."
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Arella Mae
Reply Sun 29 Oct, 2006 06:44 pm

I will get to you shortly. I am sorry for the delay.
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Arella Mae
Reply Sun 29 Oct, 2006 06:45 pm
cicerone imposter wrote:
AM wrote:
Perhaps you should reconsider that statement CI? I said it does AFFECT me but I said that the effect is subjective to my life. You, and others, of course, do not agree that some of these things affect your life and that is perfectly fine, but you have absolutely no authority, right, etc., to tell me if and how something affects my life. Just because it may not affect your life, that certainly in no way means it doesn't affect mine and vice versa.

By all means, please tell us how your vote to restrict other people's pursuit of happiness affects you - subjectively? B]

Been there, done that with you and all you did was call me names. So no thanx!
0 Replies
Reply Sun 29 Oct, 2006 06:50 pm
Arella Mae wrote:
Lash wrote:
Arella Mae wrote:
Lash wrote:
Wrong. A fact is a fact. Either it does affect your life or it doesn't.

FACT: It affects my life.

If it does, there would be no argument. So, prove how it does and end the bullshit.

It affects my life. MY life. I don't know if it affects yours or not. I don't tell you how to believe and I don't tell you how to vote and that you would be wrong for your vote whatever that vote would be. Since we have opposing views on this, I highly doubt anything I would tell you about how it affects my life would be accepted. I have tried to explain this before and well, I'm sure we all know how that went over. Rolling Eyes I ended up being called all kinds of names just because I view things differently than you and others. I don't care to beat that horse anymore. And, I'm done with this subject also. I've explained myself over and over and to the best of my ability. If it is not good enough for you or anyone else, oh well....................... Rolling Eyes

Short version:

"I'm a liar who thinks writing several boring bullshit lines of lame dodging will make it seem like I didn't just lie my ass off. I have no proof. I just base everything I do on third hand bullshit from some backwards homophobe with a bad comb over. He just loves my Sweet Potato Souffle.

And, there is only one way to say "Jesus!!" I've known that since second grade."
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Arella Mae
Reply Sun 29 Oct, 2006 06:55 pm

You can start with this article. If there had been no gambling casinos then there would have been no one for the Governor to extort money from for gambling licenses.


This link has statistics for more than just Louisiana:


Another Crime Issue Associated with Gambling is Street Crime. U.S. News and World Report did a comparison of crime rates in cities with gambling versus those that do not. The crime rates were significantly higher in the places that allowed gambling.18 Industry researchers dispute the view that cities with gambling have higher crime rates and assert that the rates aren't higher when the tourist population is considered.19 The article failed to consider that these cities are vacation destinations and their population is swollen by the influx of tourists.


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Arella Mae
Reply Sun 29 Oct, 2006 07:09 pm
Butrflynet wrote:
Okay, everyone has the right to make judgements upon others and vote their opinion of how that life oughta be conducted. Does that still hold true when the judgement is being made upon ourselves and our own life?

I can only tell you that I accept the outcome of the vote and as long as that law is or isn't in effect, I accept it's there or not there. If I don't like it I can always exercise my right to change it. So, it may seem to some that we are making judgments on others but I believe what we are really doing is just deciding what we want for ourselves and try to pursue it.

Does that also give us rights to pass laws that force others to conform to that majority's opinion? Do they still have that right when we're in the minority?

If you don't like the way a law is then you do something to change it. Right now, we have a process and that's what we have to adhere to.

Why must there always be exceptions made for different segments of society? What happened to "All wo/men are created equal?" Is it not so because it is not written as such as a god's law in the bible?

I'm not really sure what you mean here by segments of society? Can you elaborate?

And, what about the golden rule? That is in the bible. Does this apply to all humans, not merely to fellow believers.

You mean do unto others as you would have them do unto you? I think it applies to everyone. That's why I don't complain about the way someone votes. :wink:

"Therefore all things whatsoever ye would that men should do to you, do ye even so to them: for this is the law and the prophets." Matthew 7:12, King James Version.

"And as ye would that men should do to you, do ye also to them likewise." Luke 6:31, King James Version.

The gist of it all comes down to how you answer this: Do beliefs require action? Do actions require belief?

I think beliefs do require action and I do believe that actions require belief, yes.

We better figure out how both ends of the spectrum can live together. This country is in a heap of trouble if that is how we are going to govern ourselves. We'll be stuck in a circular loop, constantly bickering over popular opinion and the laws required to force the minority to conform with the majority's rule and then changing that rule every month when a new flavor fad rolls into town.

Couldn't agree with you more Butrflynet. That's why I think everyone needs to exercise their rights. It's someone's right to try to make or change a law and it's my right to vote for or against it.

Do not imagine, comrades, that leadership is a pleasure. On the contrary, it is a deep and heavy responsibility. No one believes more firmly than Comrade Napoleon that all animals are equal. He would be only too happy to let you make your decisions for yourselves. But sometimes you might make the wrong decisions, comrades, and then where should we be? - Squealer of Animal Farm


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Arella Mae
Reply Sun 29 Oct, 2006 07:25 pm
Lash wrote:
Short version:

"I'm a liar who thinks writing several boring bullshit lines of lame dodging will make it seem like I didn't just lie my ass off. I have no proof. I just base everything I do on third hand bullshit from some backwards homophobe with a bad comb over. He just loves my Sweet Potato Souffle.

And, there is only one way to say "Jesus!!" I've known that since second grade."

I never said "I've known that since second grade", Lash. What I said was that is all I had heard Jesus called by at that time in my life.
0 Replies
Reply Sun 29 Oct, 2006 07:31 pm

In order for our system of government to best serve all the people, discussions of this sort are very necessary. We all gain from hearing each other out and learning about the reasons for each other's concerns and convictions. The more unsympathetic we are to the needs of our fellow citizens, the more our country will suffer for it.

I can't believe you feel as though your rights are threatened just because someone who holds a different view wants to better understand your own. That doesn't even make any sense! Why should you think your rights are threatened just by opening up and letting us have a look. Can they not withstand the light of day?

I am more than happy to share my thoughts on matters such as this with you, or anyone else on these forums. That's why I come here; to learn and maybe even teach some.

Of course, you have LEGAL RIGHTS. That is not the subject. How could it be? No one disputes your LEGAL RIGHTS, so why do you keep bringing it up? I am wondering about your reasoning, as I have made perfectly clear right from the start. Honestly, had I known that you were so bent on keeping your reasoning a secret, I never would have engaged you in this dialogue.
0 Replies
Reply Sun 29 Oct, 2006 07:31 pm
Well, at least I got the other part right.
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Arella Mae
Reply Sun 29 Oct, 2006 07:37 pm
echi wrote:

In order for our system of government to best serve all the people, discussions of this sort are very necessary. We all gain from hearing each other out and learning about the reasons for each other's concerns and convictions. The more unsympathetic we are to the needs of our fellow citizens, the more our country will suffer for it.

I can't believe you feel as though your rights are threatened just because someone who holds a different view wants to better understand your own. That doesn't even make any sense! Why should you think your rights are threatened just by opening up and letting us have a look. Can they not withstand the light of day?

I am more than happy to share my thoughts on matters such as this with you, or anyone else on these forums. That's why I come here; to learn and maybe even teach some.

Of course, you have LEGAL RIGHTS. That is not the subject. How could it be? No one disputes your LEGAL RIGHTS, so why do you keep bringing it up? I am wondering about your reasoning, as I have made perfectly clear right from the start. Honestly, had I known that you were so bent on keeping your reasoning a secret, I never would have engaged you in this dialogue.

Echi, I completely understand what you are saying. I just felt like you kept telling me I was wrong for the way I exercise my rights. Now, if that is not what you were implying, then I apologize. But telling me I don't have the right to do it sure felt like that's what you were doing.

My reasoning is just as I have stated. I vote for the things that I think are right and I vote against the things I think are wrong. If I think they are wrong then I am wrong in voting for them. It's very simple for me but seemingly complicated to convey.
0 Replies
Arella Mae
Reply Sun 29 Oct, 2006 07:40 pm
Lash wrote:
Well, at least I got the other part right.

No, Lash, you did not get the other part right. First of all, I don't know what homophobe with a comb over you are referring to. Second, I have told you and others how I think, feel, and believe. You have a personal agenda with me and I think it's pretty clear to most. So, you think what you want to think of me, Lash. It's your right. It's also mine not to put up with you being so nasty.
0 Replies
Reply Sun 29 Oct, 2006 07:41 pm
Arella Mae wrote:
echi wrote:

In order for our system of government to best serve all the people, discussions of this sort are very necessary. We all gain from hearing each other out and learning about the reasons for each other's concerns and convictions. The more unsympathetic we are to the needs of our fellow citizens, the more our country will suffer for it.

I can't believe you feel as though your rights are threatened just because someone who holds a different view wants to better understand your own. That doesn't even make any sense! Why should you think your rights are threatened just by opening up and letting us have a look. Can they not withstand the light of day?

I am more than happy to share my thoughts on matters such as this with you, or anyone else on these forums. That's why I come here; to learn and maybe even teach some.

Of course, you have LEGAL RIGHTS. That is not the subject. How could it be? No one disputes your LEGAL RIGHTS, so why do you keep bringing it up? I am wondering about your reasoning, as I have made perfectly clear right from the start. Honestly, had I known that you were so bent on keeping your reasoning a secret, I never would have engaged you in this dialogue.

Echi, I completely understand what you are saying. I just felt like you kept telling me I was wrong for the way I exercise my rights. Now, if that is not what you were implying, then I apologize. But telling me I don't have the right to do it sure felt like that's what you were doing.

My reasoning is just as I have stated. I vote for the things that I think are right and I vote against the things I think are wrong. If I think they are wrong then I am wrong in voting for them. It's very simple for me but seemingly complicated to convey.

You have been so wrong, so consistently, you have become boring.
0 Replies
Reply Sun 29 Oct, 2006 07:41 pm
My reasoning is just as I have stated. I vote for the things that I think are right and I vote against the things I think are wrong.
No, that's not what you were saying. You said it adversely affected your life.

Why don't you tell the truth?
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