OK so...
I went to Garden Ridge on a scouting expedition -- they have a lot of cheap stuff and I wanted to see what was available and let things percolate a bit. Came to a huge bin of stuffed animals. "Red tags 50% off marked price." Hmm. Grabbed a big ol' teddy bear (about 24" long I think). Originally $9.99. On sale for $4.99. 50% off of that. Oooh.
So I have 12 big ol' bears in my basement.

They're soft and cute and while they're too big for the whole stuffing idea I think, I'm still going to use them in one way or another.
Scenario 1: Have some outside venue party with a party room. Have the bears under wraps. When it is goody bag time, unveil 'em -- each will be holding a goody bag with teddy-bear themed stuff inside. Have already located a lot of cool little things from hither and yon to put in the bags and have the bags already, bought 12 shortly after her LAST party when I saw 'em on sale. She has a teddy bear costume that she's grown out of, (light brown with darker brown tummy) and I plan to cut that up to make teddy bear faces to paste on the bags (big circle with ears, smaller circle in a darker color for nose, maybe just leave it abstract like that or else add black eyes nose and smile with felt or something). The whole thing would cost about $4/ kid (bears + bags), which is low for goody bags. But would have that "wow!" factor I'm going for.
Scenario 2: At home party with bears at the center of it. Make tutus and fairy wings and superhero masks and capes for bears ahead of time. Have decorating them be an activity. (Fairy wings + masks, especially.) Good thing about the big ol' bears is that 3 out of those 4 things will fit kids, too -- tutus, fairy wings, and masks. (Capes might be small). Might do pointy princessy hats, too -- cheap party hats covered with satin and with a tulle fall, that can be decorated as well. Have lots of silk flowers, little jewels, felt, scissors, and glitter glue for decorating.
Then activities like "musical bears" (sozlet's idea for phrase) with bear-face cutouts on the floor, "teddy teddy bear" (duck duck goose), etc., etc.