snood wrote:AR,
In answer to your PM, here is what I think:
I think the individual gets their kicks from baiting others into a fight. I think they will try to seem reasonable only enough to get you entangled in a petty back-and-forth again.
I think you would be best served by not obliging them. Ever.
Would a post like this be considered 'baiting others into a fight'. OR how about your first post towards me that sort of kicked this whole thing off. Hypocrite to the highest degree huh Snood?
It ain't really Latin, but it applies here. . .
illegitimus non carborundum.
Thomas wrote:Mindonfire wrote: real life wrote:The upshot of it is that ALL laws are based on SOMEONE'S idea of what is right and what is wrong [...]
Well, then who is the SOMEONE who decides what is right and what is wrong?
Depends on the country. In the US, the majority of voting-age Americans decides what's legal and illegal, under restrictions defined by a couple hundred judges. All of them act on ideas of right and wrong defined by people like Edsel Moses, Jesus Christ, Adam Smith, and John Rawls, with variations by the individual decisionmaker. Why is it inappropriate for lawmakers to impose the views of Moses and Christ, but fine to impose those of Smith and Rawls?
Well one of the problems is that no one has really taken the time to examine the definition of religion. What is a religion?
I just read through this thread, and I'm trying to make sense of it, lol!
Who is the teacher?! Are we supposed to be surprised in a bad way by who it is and run away when we find out? Where are the clues to the answer? Why am I asking, lol!
Are Mindy, Mindo, and Mindonfire the same person/people?! Since that person/people mentioned sexist comments, is that person/people male or female? Is that relevant? Possibly! Who knows? Mindy does. I couldn't tell if Mindonfire was a male name or a female name.
Is the ACLU atheist? Is PETA atheist? What about the Supreme Court? (Just kidding, but who knows?)
Am I leaving anything out? It looks like a good discussion in between the other stuff going on. I'd like to see what the punch line is going to be from Mindon. Not that I mean this is like a joke, but I'm waiting to see what his/her point is about the teacher and stuff. Sorry to not make much sense, but the thread kind of turned my brain that way.
I just hate it when my brain turns.
neologist wrote:I just hate it when my brain turns.
LOL! I hate it when that happens, too!
Flip flop is the worst; but counter clockwise is a bummer, too. What about you?