echi wrote:gungasnake wrote:
Jesus said that no man enters the kingdom of heaven save by way of himself.
Hey, gunga.
I have never quite understood what that means. What do you think?
Witnesses at the time said that the thing which totally floored people about Jesus was that he spoke of the spirit realm as one with authority. That had never been seen before.
The biggest hangup which most people have with God and religion is usually called "the problem of evil", i.e. how does an omnipotent and loving God allow the hardships which we see in our physical world. There are several similar and related problems, such as if the son of god actually came to this world 2000 years ago, how did the American Indians go 1500 years without ever hearing about it? Again, how does an omnipotent and loving God create the creatures of Pandora's box, biting flies, mosquitos, ticks, fleas, chiggers, and disease vectors?
There are a few others. All such questions basically hang on the question of what the word "omnipotent" is supposed to mean. Most people view it as meaning "having all the power which anybody could imagine", and it is that definition which leads to conundrums and breakdowns of logic. A more rational definition would be "having all the power that there actually is", and THAT definition does not lead to conundrums.
That view says that the spirit world and our physical realm are strongly separated, at least in our age of the world, and that the two are orthoganal to eachother and that the spirit world actually has little if any real power to act within our realm; that we in fact might have originally been put here to PROVIDE the spirit world with some degree of instrumentality in this physical realm. THAT of course would require solid and reliable communications between the two realms, which we do not presently have. Such communication channels did exist in the ancient world.
That view also says that on the day that Christ was born into our physical realm, he was subject to all of the same physical laws which we are subject to, including not being able to get from Israel to Mexico or Kansas without airplanes.
That view also says that a loving God simply did not create the creatures of Pandora's box. The best evidence we have at present is that the engineering and re-engineering of complex life forms was some sort of a cottage industry or something like that in past ages and that more than one pair of hands was involved, and that whoever was responsible for the existence of biting flies, ticks, and chiggers, is not anybody we need to worship, to say the least.