Mindonfire wrote:
Actually the more intelligent the person, the more likely they will come to the realisation that there is a Creator.
In a paper yet to be published Elizabeth Cornwell and Michael Stirrat of 1074 Fellows of the Royal Society...(the most prestigious scientific body probably in the world...(well it was the first)) only 3.3% agreed strongly with the statement that a personal god exists. The overwhelming majority of FRS are atheists as are member of the US Academicians.
Michael Shermer and Frank Sulloway in
How we Believe describes a large survey of randomly selected Americans. They found religiousity to be negatively correlated to education (more highly educated are less likely to be religious).
Regarding IQ and religion, Paul Bell in Mensa Magazine concluded
Quote:'Of 43 studies carried out since 1927 on the relationship between religious belief and one's intelligence and/or educational level, all but four found an inverse connection. This is, the higher one's intelligence or education level the less one is likely to be religious or to hold "beliefs" of any kind.'
Of course there are some very intelligent religious people, but the trend is clear.