frank et. al., allow me to let the other shoe drop.
(I was unable to finish the last half of my post, so here is the rest.)
I am in no way advocating that those who believe differently should not feel free to comment, on this or any other thread at any time.
What I was attempting to convey is this:
If one wishes to comment, feel free; if one wishes to proselytize their position by pointing out the folly or superstitious aspect of belief in religion, then prepare to be met with the same donnybrook I should rightly receive if I were to venture into a liberal themed thread and tell people that they are stupid and slow witted to have those beliefs.
Now to your question:
Quote:Perhaps the easiest way to deal with this -- is not to guess that there is a god from whom one has to be saved!
In fact, it seems to me that if there is a God --the people who guess It is the kind of god from whom one has to be saved -- are insulting the God
The god to which you refer is a vengeful god, seeking out those who turn their backs on him and blasting them with his celestial retribution.
I don't know that god.
As husker points out, the Christian God is a jealous God, but He is also a God that offers His creation free will, and all that it entails.
God's saving grace is often referred to as the "peace that passes all human understanding" and quite literally it is just that.
I hope this clarifies my earlier post.