I go into the "natural" food grocers and the food is twice as expensive as the local supermarket. It does not taste any different and it is usually especially their produce all spotted with disease and under developed.
I once heard that under developed fruit and produce has to fight harder to survive so they produce more healthy healing enzymes than a piece of fruit that has no struggle growing.
For instance, grapes than have had to ward off a dry season by self producing chemistry that protects their skin, well this same chemistry also protects us when ingested.
So it is not always ripest and most plump fruit that is the best for you but it is the fruit that has faced some hardship that has the greatest amount of healing medical properties.
This may not be true in all cases but it is true with grapes. So actually the grapes that face the worst growing conditions (years) produce the greatest amount of enzymes that are beneficial to humans and our own protective chemistry.
I am not sure about produce and organics but I like produce to look good and not have blight and also to taste fresh. The larger supermarkets seem to be doing a better job of this than the organic health food stores.
(This is totally I am sure Nancy Pelosi's fault. She is pocketing the extra change so San Francisco can secede from the nation.)