ebrown_p wrote:Quote:
Spend...spend...spend and then what? May be the next Gov will be an illegal.
What the hell does this mean?
What it means to me is that if Devil Patrick gets in and allows for the intergration of illegal aliens into Mass Society, it is possible one could run for public office.
Just as silly as the prior comment about voting for Devil because he is black.
Yeah, silly. Like you insisting on calling Patrick "Devil".
To all -- I just hope that the Democrats don't drop the candy.
snood -- Were you to call woiyo something equivalent to his calling Deval, "devil," he's be screaming his little pink head off.
Miller -- Shows how education can be wasted, right? Or how many yeanrs can be spun in the realm of internet forums and fake names?
Miller wrote:Quote:If you attended college, did you go for free?
For my undergraduate education I had a 4 year scholarship and free tuition in a major private university.
For my 5 years of graduate education, culminating in both an MS and a PhD, I had a 5 year fellowship and free tuition in a major private university.
For law school, I paid my own way because I could afford to do so.
Thanks to Chicago, I'm well educated.
Miller wrote:
Thanks to Chicago, I'm well educated.

You certainly go to great lengths to hide it.
If getting a law degree means not recognizing that an international law was broken by W then the degree is a shyster degree.
talk -- While it does not particularly amaze me how limited the ethics of most practicing attorneys are, it does amaze me that huge numbers of lawyers seem to regularly lose their licenses to practice law, then, either move to another state, or, simply wait out their suspensions, then repeat the very actions that limited their ability to practice in the first place. Wow! That's a sign of intelligence.