Miller wrote:
Why would you say such a thing? It's most unbecoming, if of course I should even care. The fact you even posted such a degrading comment suggests to me that you will vote for Patrick, because of his race and you want to live in a bankrupt State.
Spend...spend...spend and then what? May be the next Gov will be an illegal.

Hey, I guess you would rather have kids run around stupid or that you wouldn't object to the bridge you are driving over collapsing under you.
If you need shoes, does the store give them to you? If you attended college, did you go for free? Do farmers give you vegetables or do they throw them at you because of your attitude.
There is an old saw: you get what you pay for.
Take the Sunday paper and go the real estate section. Trace three house types: an 8 room colonial; a 7 room split or ranch, and a 6 room Cape. Go through all the towns, listing the price range for those three styles in each town. After you have the ranges, look at what each school system does. The more you pay for a house, the more highly esteemed are the schools in the community where the house is.
Besides, you are not voting for Patrick because of his race and probably because you are uneducated yourself. Hypocrite.