fbaezer wrote:A critical view of Zapatero from the outside (and I would be a PSOE member if I was a Spaniard): with him, the gist of the socialdemocrat program has changed into some sort of "goodwill" politics. "Peace", "good vibes" seems all he has to offer. He's not half as bright, as gutsy, as a relevant reformer as Felipe González was.
Well, I dunno Fbaezer - I agree he's more of a postmaterialist than Gonzalez, but he's made some gutsy moves that Gonzalez mostly never dared to take on (or wasn't interested in).
- Immediate withdrawal from Iraq upon election;
- Amnesty for illegal immigrants;
- Legalisation of gay marriage (still one of the very few countries that fully recognizes it);
- Expansion of womens rights and a government campaign against domestic violence, with both expanded rights and shelters for battered women and unprecedented public debate;
- And finally, almost thirty years after the end of Franco's rule, an open debate about the victims of the Civil War, with the dismantling of monuments to Franco, official rehabilitation / support for Civil War victims, collecting and opening of archives, etc.