spendius wrote:I feel sure that any threader who is familiar with my style will know that there is no chance of my stooping to such low invective as is to be seen in the last post and I have been subjected myself to such things numerous times by the atheists on wande's Intelligent Design thread without feeling the need to answer in kind or them having the slightest effect on me.
I thought Ellpus's gratuitous use of "lonely" about me was far worse than what Mathos has written. I also think that the weary, repetitive dirge about Mathos and myself is infantile and reminds me of the saying about dogs returning to their vomit. It's a species of that intellectual laziness which, when it has an idea, in this case not even a new one, thinks it is a fact simply on the basis of it having had it and having brayed it. Why anybody would sully smorgsy's thread with such obvious dross is beyond my comprehension.
The aristocratic cyber persona adopted by Ellpus can be seen through in every post he composes. He's the phoney. He has made a cheap and trite jibe about grammar school boys and denigrated a literary education in standard anti-intellectualism mantras and he's running the Mathius hare to try to deflect attention from him having been sussed as an example of the ruinous comprehensive system which will soon be rolled back out of sheer necessity. Thin skins are a danger to social organisation and personal welfare.
Of course, Bendy....EVERYONE on A2K really thought that I was a genuine Lord.
Now you've dashed their dreams, and they will go to bed tonight, just that little sadder, knowing they've been conned.
All this snivelling around after me, simply because I happened to be play flirting with the object of your obsession, only makes you look like a sad, sad individual.
I am just about sick and tired of your constant whining. You have appeared at my heels for the past week or so, snapping away, hoping for a reaction, and now when you know that you've made yourself look a total prat, you bring out the Stradivarius and bang on about loneliness, and how awful I'VE been to you!
Well, I see it as it is. You, with your moaning, whining and weasly words about me, were asking for much more than a few short sentences. If you were in my physical vicinity at that time, I would have bitch slapped you all the way back up to the godforsaken Pub in which you seem to live.
I don't know how or why this thread has been unlocked, but the fact that it HAS been unlocked saddens me, as it gives you the opportunity to start snapping at me again.
Now, please.....f*ck off out of my A2K life, and go and stalk someone else.
THAT is my final word on this whole sad, sorry state, apart from one final sentence.
I am really pleased that I am now able to thank Calamity Jane in public, for being in my corner over the past few pages. Thanks, Jane.
(excuse typos - or if you're a picky c*nt like Mathos, grammar as well)