Ticomaya wrote:Are any of you folks watching the Super Bowl?
Sorry, Tico, but it was on during the night here, so the vast majority of the population were either enjoying rumpy or sleeping.
Saying that, even if it were on during the day, I personally would have probably just had a quick look now and then.
I did actually try to watch one about five years ago, but instead of seeing a sporting contest, all I seemed to see were short interludes of play, more stop than start, followed by endless minutes of TV advertising and various bits of razzamatazz.
Am I right in thinking that the actual game only lasts for about an hour?
If this is so, it would be interesting to learn how long it was from the initial kick off, to the final whistle.
Here, at the weekend, we had a major "needle" Rugby game of England v Scotland.
Exciting stuff going on for a continuous 40 minutes, uninterrupted by Coca Cola et al., then a short break for half time, followed by another 40 minutes of uninterrupted tense savagery, culminating in a good win for England and the man of the match (Johnny Wilkinson) having to have 14 stitches put into a split lip.
Now THERE'S entertainment.