Cal wrote in one of those fits of inconsistency to which ladies of a certain age are unfortunately prone-
Quote:So are yours spendius! Go sit in the bathtub and soak a bit more -
there is a lot of dirt coming from you. Where on earth do you get off
insulting people in that manner? Don't you think for one minute that
you are superior to them - on the contrary, you could learn a lot from
the likes of Lord Ellpus which unfortunately never will penetrate your narrow
mind. I can't believe what an arrogant *** you've become.
I was insulted first my dear in case you hadn't noticed. And by a person from Australia blurting an uncalled for and trite interjection on smorgsy's British thread.
What could I possibly learn from Ellpus?
He's been "wandering round the place (A2K) looking for 'night owl' Americans or Chinese students who need questions answered.
He declared he was "very tempted to do a spot of streaking".
He made an unfunny and tasteless joke about a national hero.
He had a 30 sec dalliance behind the bike sheds with someone called Yvonne.
He's "annoyed" by women's free choice to change their bodies.
He's falling asleep at the office. On full pay no doubt.
He likes Steve Wright who has condescension off to a fine art.
He reads Jeremy Clarkson and approves of him calling British youth "gormless" and then using that assertion to be "frightened".
He wears pink fluffy slippers.
He has a dog.
He feels the need to inform us that he's "got to go to the loo".
And that it caused "saucisson afterburn" which one presumes means ring-sting.
He's "on the road to hard cynicism".
And didn't we all laugh at his "kiddley" joke?
smorgsy "chucked" him to which he responded by ordering her to stay out of her own thread.
By mentioning Bletchley he got us a visit from Setanta, which is like the kiss of death, and he took a bit of shifting and then only after some infantile claptrap about the last war in 500 words.
He suggested "front bottom" for your "***".
He tells us he's a "red blooded male and that he drools.( I bet you like droolers Cal on account of how easy they are to manipulate.) And his "groin explodes prematurely".
He suggests he uses Viagra.
He uses aftershave and a "new" one at that.
He said smorgsy's thread would go "tits up" using "t*ts" to prove his decorum just because some itsy-bitsy nonsense upset his sense of self-importance.
He caused smorgsy to beg him to stay which is unforgiveable really.
He specialises, when not doing the war on one sheet of paper, in schoolboy smut and not only never misses an opportunity to allude to his parts and their priapic nature but invents them from nowhere in case they have not been mentioned for half-an-hour.
And the smear is his usual technique when his thin skin is pricked.
Come on Cal. What have I to learn from that lot. Give me a clue. I'm an eager soaker up of useful information.
Are the scientists down your way still "nerds"?
One would think that a German lady living in America would only enter smogsy's British thread in a respectful manner and would have taken the trouble to familiarise herself with what has gone before.
One of the important things that superior British people try to avoid is basing arguments on their own assertions. In fact I understand that superior German people do the same.
You have lived in England I seem to remember. Why not contribute a few of your experiences for our delectation instead of jumping into something you obviously fail to understand the subtleties of.
I feel quite confident that Ellpus can look after his own end without any help from the ladies. It's the British way to be a bit challenging. We don't take it that seriously you know. It's a word game really.
Isn't smorgsy bonny though? And intelligent.