Mac wrote-
Quote:I feel I may regret asking this, but what is the Babestation constellation of channels?
Oh I get it...Spendy has been googling and come up with some soft porn.
I hear there is a lot of that on the Net.
I'm afraid you don't "get it" Mac.
There are about 10 channels on the Digital TV set-up in the 900 range which have young ladies lying (pun intended) on couches trying to cajole fools into calling them up at £2 a minute. They are a variation on the usual theme adopted by various other programmes such as Big Brother, Millionaire and that dancing tripe.
They are a good laugh when you give them a flip through after the pub.
You should try to keep up with modern trends Mac.
I realise of course that you didn't fancy answering the question I asked.
What I consider soft porn sometimes makes an appearence on this thread in a sort of Guardian/Independent nudgie-nudgie style.
The question I asked was a question asked in The Spectator when Madonna's knickered porn book was reviewed a while back so that makes it respectable enough I think.
There's nothing so buttoned up and prudish as the lower-middle class.