I was there, up the...ahem...Emirates!
What a game. For a long time it looked as though Man U were going to get a goal and then, having managed that, to hang on to their lead, if not go 2-0 up but the boys in red-n-white were truly heroic and hung on to the end.
I think we missed Gilberto's presence in midfield to provide stability. He's the kind of player you don't usually notice when he plays but when he doesn't, things don't go to plan.
My own view of tackles is slightly different from Steve's, though I concede that some players were getting "wound up". It seems to be something Fergie teaches them - how to really annoy the opposition by taking extra time over things, arguing, standing over a free kick, mass appeals, etc. Not exactly "sportsmanlike" behaviour, in comparison with some teams but I can't be objective over whether Arsenal do the same.
I have the feeling that encounters with Chelsea are usually better natured. Certainly, the ground's 60,128 attendance made more noise yesterday than I've heard before at the ground.
Oh happy day - if only we'd beaten the "lesser" teams in the autumn.